34: "private account"

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I could hear quiet murmurs and voices talking to each other. One of them stood out though. Was I dreaming?

I just heard my twin's voice.

I snapped my eyes open, only to see her smiling and happily talking to Marco, grandpa, River, Romeo and Vince.

After a tortuous, painful and long month, my twin is finally awake.

"Twinny?" I whispered, my voice thick with emotions.

She stiffened and everyone stopped talking, just to look at me. But the one person who is my everything, my other half, never turned. She just kept looking ahead, where River was.

"Annie?" I tried again, tearing up.

She tensed more, if that was even possible. She was now stiff as a board with her back straight.

"Riri? I need to go to the bathroom. Can you help me up?" She gently spoke to him.

He nodded and helped her to the bathroom. Romeo turned to me as soon as the door closed with a loud bang, waking everyone up.

"The fuck?" Aaron jumped.

Romeo didn't pay any attention to him and pinned me with a hard stare.

"Don't talk to my sister." He sneered at me.

"Where the fuck did Angelina go?" Max panicked.

"Calm down Max, Angelina woke up and she's in the bathroom right now." Vince calmly reassured him, but you could see how happy he was.

"She did?!" Everyone in the room exclaimed.

Romeo turned to them all with a scowl on his face. "Yes. So shut up and don't overwhelm her or I swear I'll put a bullet in your head." He snarled.

"What he said." Marco, grandpa, Max and Vince said in unison.

"And I'll show you what hell really is." River nonchalantly spoke as he played with a chain around his neck.

Somehow, we took his threat more seriously because he wasn't exactly playing around.

Neither were the others.

The bathroom door slammed open again, and Angelina stormed over to her bed with River helping her.

She was constantly scowling at everything and her happy mood from earlier was gone.

I just wanted the beautiful smile back on her face.

"Monkey....." Noah croaked out.

Angelina's head snapped to him. She just stared at him, not saying anything.

River growled and turned her head back to him.

"Look at me, sorellina." He sneered at us all.

"OKAY THAT IS IT." I yelled, finally having enough. I WILL talk to my twin even if it's the last thing I do.

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