4: "No. My sister. Mine"

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t h i r d p o v

Vincent Costa was worried. He was worried for his baby siblings. To him, they were his own little sister and brother. To him, they never had different parents. To him,they were siblings by heart and that's all that mattered.

He was furious with their father for taking them away from him. He didn't want them for all these years and now he suddenly did? But he wanted to give them a chance. Something inside him told him to give them a chance.

He knew that though they would never admit it, they longed for a father's love because they didn't exactly have the best mother or life. But he wanted to stay close just in case. He knew the twins could hold their own. Heck he'd seen them take down men twice their size like nothing.

But he was, after all an older brother. And older brothers protect their little siblings regardless of how strong they are.

Though the twins were strong and fierce, they still had a lot of innocence left in them. They were a lot more innocent than they showed.

He hoped his gut was right, or this would break the twins. He just hoped they were what the twins needed. While he knew him and Max would be very important to them, he also knew that deep down, they needed their family too.

The twins were too stubborn to admit it. He watched as the driver drove into the beautiful estate. He saw two boys a bit older than Max, playing basketball.

They soon noticed the car and ran inside. They must be the brothers. And twins must run in the family. He shook his head at the thought. He woke Max up who wasted no time in cooing and awing at the twins cuddled up to each other. He even took pictures and sent them to Vince.

As the car stopped, they saw eight men standing on the porch, looking happy and excited. Well except three. Two had a blank look, and the third just looked angry and annoyed. He already knew the third was going to clash with the the twins.

One of the brothers was practically bouncing in his place. That amused both Vincent and Max, making them let out a small and quiet laugh, not wanting to wake the twins up.

They got out of the car, with Max holding a sleeping Angelina and Vincent holding a sleeping Ace. The twins had their hands intertwined even in their sleep.

The father's and the brothers' hearts melted right then and there seeing how adorable they looked. When they were picked up, they couldn't feel themselves holding each other's hand which caused them to wake up.

Angelina fluttered her eyes open, not feeling her twin's hand in hers. She felt she was being carried.

"Vinny? Maxi?" She sleepily asked as she snuggled more into the warmth of the person holding her.

"It's me fruitcake." Max smiles down at her, receiving an adorable sleepy smile in return which made him feel warm and fuzzy.

"Where's Ace?" She straightened, not being able to see her twin. Max put her down and gestured behind him, where Ace was looking around seemingly searching for his twin.

"Oi Ace!" She called out to him, seeing relief flood into his face as he walked to her, not noticing eight other eyes watching them.

He held her hand as soon as he reached her. "Did you sleep good twino?" He asked.

"Mhm.. yep! I'm all rested up and ready to cause trouble, my twin!" She smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief as Ace smirked, having the same mischievous glint in his eyes.

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