14: "i don't want to get you in trouble, bubby"

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t h i r d  p e r s o n

"MASON! NOAH! DAD!" Angelina screamed as she ran to hug them.

"Hey baby." Giovanni greeted as he hugged his daughter and kissed her head.

"Hi bambina." Mason smiled and hugged her.

"Hi there trouble" Noah mischievously grinned at her.

"What? Me? Trouble? Never!" She grinned back.

"Oh really?" She nodded.

"You monkey!" He poked her nose, laughing when she scrunched her whole face up.

"Meanie." She stuck her tongue out at him and ran away.

"Come back here you little monkey!" He laughed.

Once they were all seated in the dining room for dinner, Mason cleared his throat.

Everyone looked expectantly at him.

"So love, how was the camp?" He asked.

Romeo and Angelina discreetly shared a look.

"It was great! I had fun with Rome and Vinny there!" She chirped.

Everyone looked at them in surprise. Noah dropped his fork.

"You're telling me, you had....fun...with..Romeo?" He spluttered.

Everyone looked jealous that Romeo already had a nickname and he'd been mostly mean to them.

She frowned and nodded while Romeo just grumbled.

"Yeah. He's pretty cool to hangout with! He took me out on a bike ride, it was so cool." She gushed and Romeo's ears turned pink.

"Really now?" Their father beamed, happy that his children were getting along so well.

"Yes! Oh and we went to an arcade, I totally kicked his butt at air hockey." She grinned.

"No you brat you cheated!" He groaned.

"No I didn't!" She shot back.

"Yes you did."


"HA!" She clapped her hands in excitement while Romeo groaned.

"You would think I wouldn't make the same damn mistake every time." He groaned.

Everyone present in the room was stunned. A week ago, Romeo and Angelina were sworn enemies, always at each other's throats.

Now they were acting as if they're best buddies. In simple words, they were jealous.


They were even sitting beside each other after Romeo literally threatened Aaron for god's sake.

This was a new Romeo.

"Well aren't you both cute?" Damien sarcastically smiled and received a bright grin and a scowl in return.

You can guess who did what.

"Yes. You got a problem with that?" Romeo practically snarled in his face.

"No fighting young man!" Angelina narrowed her eyes and glared at Romeo, who gulped remembering how she had broken his nose.

"Fine." He grumbled and everyone was shocked yet again.

"So we heard Angelina broke Romeo's nose. Is that true?" Damien smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at his little sister.

"Yes I did. I punched him twice and broke is nose at the second one. His black eye is healed. I'm not sorry. He pushed me to it." She shrugged.

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