18: "Gramps' princess"

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The grandfather-granddaughter duo soon returned to the living room, talking and laughing, where the rest of them family sat.

It was honestly surprising to see Emiliano showing so many emotions.

"-so, then I shot the last one and totally knocked his butt out!" Angelina cheered as she talked animatedly to her grandfather about how she had defeated Romeo in a game of air hockey and bowling.

"Well that's great princess I'm proud of you!" He chuckled.

"I know right! I'm proud of me too, but thanks gramps! Oh hey that rhymed!" She exclaimed and then they both laughed together.

The grandfather went and sat on his armchair, while Angelina looked for a place beside her twin. Sadly, there was none. So she had to sit on someone's lap.

She went and stood in the middle of the room and looked around while everyone watched her in amusement.

Nuh-uh he likes tickling me for no reason.

Hm...do I sit on Marco's lap?


Romeo or Roman?

No way in hell. He's Noah's partner in crime.

Not the cousins either.

Nah he's old what if his legs hurt?

I don't know anyone else.

Wait. MASON.

She grinned and ran over to Mason. She plopped down on his lap.

"That was such a brain stress." She sighed dramatically.

Mason just looked at her amused. "What was a brain stress, bambina?" He asked, humour present in his voice.

"Choosing who to sit on, duh." She deadpanned as the room erupted with chuckles.

"Really?" He asked again.

"Mhm" she answered, checking her nails as if she were a celebrity.

"That isn't even a thing twinny." Ace snickered, though he immediately shut up when his twin glowered at him.

"Well I said it so it's a thing now!" She sassed, flipping her hair dramatically which hit Mason in the face.

Everyone younger than Mason stifled their laughs and the older ones didn't even bother to hide it.

Mason glare at Angelina only to see her smiling and blinking innocently at him. He immediately softened.

Her innocent green eyes could break the hardest of shells and melt the iciest of men or women.

The uncles and aunts soon introduced themselves.

"Hi love, I'm your Aunt Gia, and this is my husband aka your fathers brother, Emiliano." She smiled at her.

"Hey bambina, I'm your uncle Luciano and this is my wife and your aunt, Maria." He gave her a warm smile.

"I'm Lucian, this dumbass's twin. And this is your aunt, Valentine." He smirked and Valentine had a mischievous look in her eyes. She already liked this couple. She knew they were the most fun out of all these oldies, except her gramps of course, he's the coolest person she's ever seen.

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