25: "What have we done?"

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I was the one who found her room empty last night. I was frankly worried. Yeah she might've...done that, but she was still my twin and I still worried about her.

There was a nagging voice at the back of my mind that said I was wrong. And I hope to god I was.

I don't know why I blew up at her like that. Maybe because I didn't like the fact that her and Romeo were getting close. Too close. It did make me a bit jealous.

No who am I kidding it made me very fucking jealous.

I thought he would only hurt her. But it's me who did. The sister I would do everything for, the sister whose tears I could never see, is hurt because of me. She doesn't even trust me anymore.

I don't know why, but I had finally felt a sense of belonging here with our family. I trust them. And that is why I wanted to tell them about everything that happened.

In the quest of being selfish and holding on to that sense of belonging, I hurt and neglected my selfless sister's feelings. I forgot she didn't have much time with our family. I forgot she didn't trust easy. I....didn't give two fucks about her feelings.

I'm such a hypocrite. I've been hounding her for answers about her talk with Romeo while I myself have been withholding information from her.

I am positive she knows I'm hiding something. Yet she handled all my childish tantrums with great patience. She took all my insults and never once insulted me back.

I broke out of my thoughts when my twin dragged Romeo with her saying how she'd brought waffles with Nutella and chocolate chips for him.

That hurt. Her and I would always eat that together on weekends.

I thought that was our thing.

I won't lie I wanted to bash Aaron's face in for suggesting she would've been at a boy's house.

But well, that would be very hypocritical of me when I called her so many names already.

What confused me though, is, she did this even though she hates physical contact with random people. I know how she just hates disappointing her loved ones so why did she do that?

Why would she do that?

Was it to spite us for the stunt we pulled that day about the files?

No. What the fuck am I even saying she's nothing like that.

The curiosity made my legs automatically follow after Angelina and Romeo.

I stood behind the tree and heard their conversation.

It hurt so much when she talked lovingly with Romeo. Her soft voice that she only ever used for me.

After that, they joked around for a few seconds.

"Have...have you eaten?" I heard him ask slowly after a short pause.

"U-uh y-yeah of course I've eaten silly!" I heard her laugh nervously.

She can't lie for shit. I can always catch her lie.

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