6: "Fucking Romeo pissed me off again."

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g i o v a n n i
(He's the dad, just incase y'all forgot)

I watched as my princess made her twin eat broccoli with a stern look. She is just like her mother. So beautiful and brave. Well atleast like she was before she went crazy. Thank god she never hurt them and kept them safe with a good family or I don't know what I would've done.

My children always come first. I am a ruthless man but when it comes to my family, I try my best to be a good father. Seeing her with the Costa boys was a bit painful as we missed so much of their lives but they got to live with them, make memories.

I just wish we could've found them sooner. We could've been a family. A happy family. But it was all snatched away from us and them. I could see how close Ace and Angelina were.

I mean yes, twins are bound to be close but they had a unique bond. It was nothing like Roman and Romeo. I wonder how they would react if they see him? Would they be happy? Would they be sad?

Guess we will have to wait until he gets here. I really hope they do like him. Because he has missed them so much that he went psycho. I internally shuddered at the thought.

In my opinion, they shouldn't meet him. He's nothing but trouble and I fear he will try and attack them again like he did before. But we can't stop him or he will tear this whole family apart quite literally just to see them.

I saw Angelina staring at me so I gave her a loving smile. I couldn't help but feel content. My little twins were finally home and I couldn't be more happier.

She just raised an eyebrow at me and looked away. My smile faltered. Can't say that didn't hurt.

t h i r d p e r s o n

Angelina saw her father looking deep in thought. He looked troubled. His eyes were hard, almost as if he was thinking of something very....frightening. She just stared at him, trying to figure him out. He's a nice person. A humble person and not snobby even though he is rich. She gave him that.

What startled her the most was, she started accepting him as her father. She did not call him a sperm donor like everytime and instead she called him her father. Even if it was in her head.

When he noticed her staring, he gave her a loving smile. Safe to say she was conflicted yet again. She didn't know what to think, what to feel. She didn't want to accept this family. Yet her resolve was slowly crumbling.

She did not like not being in control. It infuriated her to no end. She was normally a bubbly and sassy person but right now, her mind was.... blank. So she did the only thing she could think of. She just raised an eyebrow at him and looked away.

Now looking at her food, she wasn't so hungry anymore. So she gave all her food to Ace, knowing he would definitely get seconds seeing as he generally ate like a pig. She silently ate her broccoli, ignoring the stares of people she once called family. As soon as she was done, she got up, put her plate in the kitchen, thanked the maids and went back to the dining room.

She had to go through the dining room if she wanted to get out of the kitchen.

She noticed Ace looking at her in concern. She sighed and spoke up. "Ne t'inquiète pas Ace, je vais parfaitement bien, j'étais juste fatigué et je n'avais pas faim. revenez dans la salle lorsque vous avez terminé, nous devons parler."

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