13: "goo goo eyes"

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I met the rest of his family last Saturday. They weren't so bad. They were actually pretty great with the exception of Brittney who kept whining and complaining in her screechy voice. The aunts kept gushing about how handsome I was so that was definitely a boost to my ego.

The uncles seemed pretty cool. The cousins were great. We played call of duty together. Even Damon was great.

They all seemed tense whenever Brittney entered the room though. Damon always kept her away from the younger siblings.

It was pretty clear, that no one liked her. Not even their grandfather. He would always shoot glares in her direction whenever she came anywhere near him or the younger cousins.

She was wearing a dress, which I'm pretty sure she picked up from the kid section.

She ran to hug him when he arrived, squealing in a screechy voice which sounded like a dying walrus who was scratched by a cat and kicked off a cliff.

Ew my sister's squeal is actually cute. Heck even Marco squeals better than her!


She stumbled and tripped, falling on Mason. She had the audacity to shoot him goo goo eyes. I mean, she touched his no no square!

EW. He was her cousin! That's incest!

Mason was disgusted and threw her off him, which resulted in her kiddie dress to hike up. There...were multiple hickeys on her thighs.

Our uncle Emilio was shaking his head in disappointment.

He was probably thinking why in the hell they adopted such a brat.
True true.

She was borderline gross. More than before. I couldn't help but notice she was looking for someone.

I know exactly who it was. My twin.

Anyways, I talked to Annie everyday too. She said everything was fine but I know something's off.

Oh and her and Romeo now somehow get along. Shockingly, Vincent and Romeo are on good terms too

Trust me I'm as shocked as you are.
Ugh I know right?

How did that even happen?

So she's coming home today. She'll be here any minute in fact.

I CAN'T WAIT. I missed her so much. So Marco might be going overboard. He's baking a cake for her and Romeo right now. He knows about them getting along now.

No one else does though. That'll be fun to watch.

"HONEY I'M HOME WITH AN OAF!" A voice yelled.


I laughed and a stampede could be heard throughout the house. Oh right. The younger cousins ranging from 16-14 are staying here because they wanted to see Angelina and there's a family dinner tomorrow.

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