32: "you dare say no to me boy?"

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r i v e r (surprise)

I gazed at my bruised and battered little sister, laying on the hospital bed looking fragile like a beautiful piece of porcelain, with sadness coursing through my body like a slow poison.

This is the second time she was almost snatched away from me.

She looked so....delicate, hooked up to those machines and drips. I couldn't even hug her. I couldn't even hear her angelic voice. I couldn't see her beautiful emerald eyes.

Her eyes would always have a beautiful sparkle in them when we were little. I wonder if she still had it?

I remember seeing pure fear in her eyes. Those fear filled eyes still haunt me when I close my eyes. That god forsaken day still makes me shudder in fear.

The day when my bitch of a mother almost made me kill her.


I had just gotten back from playing football with Romeo and Roman. I was excited to see Lina and Ace.

Daddy wasn't home, brothers were at school, Aaron was napping and Romeo and Roman wanted to play more.

I ran into their room only to hear pained whimpers.

They sound like the sounds I make when momma punishes me....

Is she punishing them too?!

Fearing for my little siblings, I ran into the room, making my momma freeze.

She turned around and when she saw me standing there, a wide evil smile made its way to her face.

It made me feel scared. I wanted to grab my baby brother and sister and run to daddy.

"Ah...River!" She sneered and clapped her hands.

Angelina and Ace immediately turned to me, their eyes wide with fear.

They were only two! Why was momma punishing them!

Momma grabbed my arm, and pulled me to them, sitting me in a chair between them. I grabbed Angie's little hand because I knew she was scared. I did the same to Ace.

Momma turned and took something from a table beside her. I gasped when she faced me again.

It was a knife!

Was she going to make lines on my little siblings like she did to me? No! I can't let that happen! I promised I would protect them!

Her smile widened when she saw my face and expression.

"Now River....you will take this knife and you will stab Angelina-" she paused as she tapped my baby sister's chest. "-here." She creepily smiled.

"No momma! My baby sister can die!" I cried out.

Her eyes darkened. She grabbed my hair in a tight grip and yanked my head behind. A painful whimper left my mouth as I heard my little siblings sob in fear.

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