23: "Just because they're assholes, you'll leave me too?"

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"But why, Angie? Just because they're assholes, you'll leave me too? We can still do something! I'm sure Marco will believe you! Heck even grandpa will believe you! Damon, Valerio , aunt valentine! We can call them!Don't take such drastic measures, bubs. Think this through please!" He panicked.

"It's not my decision Romeo, I know for a fact that when Vincent catches wind of this....he won't wait. He will jump at the first chance to get me back." I let out a hollow chuckle.

"Please baby please think this through...." he sounds exhausted, defeated even.

I just nodded. Trust me I don't want to leave Romeo, Marco, gramps, my cousins, uncles, aunts and Ace either.

The others can just suffer. Yeah they're still my family and I wouldn't wish anything bad for them.

I just hope they'll be happy.

Ace and I may have had a fight and we may even dislike each other now, but I still remember my vow to protect him at all costs.

Two days later.

This is hell. I don't talk to anyone except Romeo and my friends. It's funny how the people I met a few days ago, believe me but the twin I knew my whole life, doesn't.

Heck even the staff here doesn't believe would do such a thing.

I just go to school, study, come home, play the piano, cry and work. That's it. I don't even eat. Romeo always comes up to my room during dinner with his plate and mine.

He always gets me to eat but I just don't. He even force fed me once and I ended up puking my guts out. He felt really bad after that.

I have dark bags under my eyes, I can't sleep because of I do, I have terrifying nightmares.

Romeo always tries to sneak into my room at night but he's always caught. He's been banned to enter my room after 9 in the evening.

I didn't know this family could be so cruel. But then again I doubt they know I have nightmares.

I always hear Romeo yelling at everyone to just let him be in my room at night. I know it's taking all his self control to just keep his mouth shut.

He wants to tell them but he's respecting my wishes unlike someone.

I'm tired of hearing them talk trash about me, I'm tired of hearing how disappointed they are when it's not even my fault.

So here I am right now, clad in black clothes from head to toe, with my backpack on my shoulder,sneaking out.

I quickly get out of the estate, without being caught.

I run over to The Costa mansion. The security guard immediately lets me in with a warm smile once he sees my face.

"Hey there little lady boss." He greets me with a goofy smile.

I give him a weak smile in return "Hi there Mr Gate knight."

He looks a bit concerned at my state.

"So are you going to let me in or what?" I force a laugh.

He laughs and ushers me into the estate.

I quickly run to the house, where the housekeeper greets me with a warm smile. She walks me to my room and assigns a maid and a guard to get me whatever I want.

I go into the closet and change into some comfy pjs.

Yes I have a whole closet filled with clothes here cause apparently, I need them for when I come over.

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