21: "its Angelina to you."

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a n g e l i n a

It's been a week since my friends found out about Romeo, Roman and Aaron being my brothers.

They were shocked at first, but got over it by the end of lunch.

Ace and I are still on rocky terms and we are not talking at all. Everyone is getting suspicious of our behaviour and they most probably know something happened between us. They haven't asked anything yet.

I was sitting in my room with Romeo,watching a horror movie while we stuff our faces with doritos, popcorn,cookies, candy and soda.

"Hey you idiot! Don't go there it'll get you killed!" I scream at the girl who's trying to check under her bed after hearing a weird voice.

These typical white girls in horror movies I tell you, they always do these kind of dumb things and then either they get killed or they get possessed by some creepy ghost or demon.

"Oh my god this girl is such an idiot! Didn't her parents teach her not to go try to be a hero when you hear a weird voice in the kitchen or something?" Romeo exasperatedly exclaimed.

"I guess not or maybe she's just suicidal or maybe she finds it cool being possessed or killed by a demon." I shrugged.

I mean, it would be cool if I saw, a person getting possessed or exorcised but for it to happen to me? HELL TO THE NO. That shit is just too messy. Plus I already know many languages, why would I need a demon in me for speaking fluent polish,Latin and shit?

We continued watching the movie. My phone pinged just as the credits started rolling. I checked it, just to see someone trying to breach into our security system to gain access to our personal files.

I paused it. I was fuming. I traced the IP address to see it was from this house. That's it. I told them not to.

"Romeo." I called in a pissed off tone. He looked up from the popcorn bowl and raised his eyebrows.

"Who's the best at hacking in this house?" I calmly asked.

He knew I was serious so he immediately straightened up.

"It's Damien. He maybe a doctor but he's damn good with technology. Aaron is a close second. Why though?" He furrowed his brows in confusion.

I showed him the notification on my phone and grabbed my laptop. His eyes widened.

"Oh fuck." He whispered.

"Did you know or not?" I asked him.

"I swear on your life I had no idea if I knew I wouldn't have let him do it and you know that. Besides, I already know everything why would I even help him?" He reasoned and I nodded, satisfied by his answer.

He wouldn't fake a swear on my life. Probably his, but not mine.

I quickly shut the server down and denied access.

I got off the bed and stormed out with Romeo right behind me.

I banged my fist on Damien's bedroom door.

"Open up Damien we need to have a long freaking talk." I yelled, feeling betrayed and pissed off.

I told them not to pry.

His door swung open.

"What?" He irritably asked.

"I told you not to. I told you not to pry. I TOLD YOU WE WOULD KNOW." I yelled, finally losing my patience.

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