35: "birthday"

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Do check out the cover above! It's simply amazing! It was made by LissyLisafou10 ! We loved it so much, we ended up changing the current cover to the one she made for us!

a n g e l i n a

It's been a month since I've sold my gyms, Ace and I have been trying to get our bond back to how it was before.

It won't ever be like before.

It's our birthday tomorrow!

If only I knew this birthday would proved to be a big curse.

"Hey Annie!" Ace yells as he runs into my room and jumps onto my bed.

"Hey Ace, What the fudge do you want?" I sweetly ask and he huffs.

"I'm boreeedddd" he whines.

"Do I look like free entertainment to you?" I deadpanned.

"Well no, but—" he was cut off when Mason yelled.



I stifled a laugh. I grabbed Ace's hand and dragged him downstairs with me where a very mad hot pink haired Mason stood.

It took seconds for Ace to burst out laughing.

"Oh my god Mason!" He laughed harder.

"Yes Mason?" I sweetly asked, batting my eyelashes.

I saw his eyes soften for a split second before he scowled again.

That scowl will someday be stuck to his face.

"What the hell did you do to my hair?!" He yelled.

"Well it's not my fault you didn't check your shampoo before using it..." I shrugged.

"The fuck are you screaming- what the fuck?" Romeo screeched as he clutched his belly and started laughing.

"Hot Pink suits you,Mason." River snickered as he lent against the doorway.

I let a giggle escape.

"You little shit." He sneered ans grabbed my ear.

"Ow ow ow ow Masonnnnn" I whined.

He dragged me all the way to his office by my ear and made me sit in the corner.

"Sit here." He growled and went to his desk.

He sat down and started making some calls and doing paperwork.

Dad's out somewhere.

5 minutes later.

"Can I go now Maseyyyyy" I whined.

"It's just been five minutes, baby." He said and went back to his paperwork.

I huffed.

2 more minutes later

"How much time moreee?" I whined again.

"It's just been seven minutes, Angelina." He answered, looking annoyed.

3 more minutes later

"How much more?" I whined again.

"Oh my god just go." Mason exasperatedly exclaimed.

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