3: "He lost"

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A year later.

a c e

He lost. Vince lost our custody.

Let me explain how the fuck this happened. You might be thinking how on the god's green earth did Vince loose our custody from our mother, right?

You're wrong. After Steve died, our mother went missing or maybe died in a ditch somewhere after overdosing.

I prefer the latter.

Our so called father was notified about it after the cops found out our mother was a druggy and our stepfather died.

So naturally and legally, we would go to our biological father if he wanted us. And just to our luck he fucking did.

This started a court battle which we weren't allowed to attend much to our dismay. I was happy Vince loved us enough to fight for us but we knew his chances of winning this were slim to none.

So we did the only thing we could think of. We paid the judge off. He's a greedy fucker. Vince was close to winning when suddenly, the judge had a change of heart and he declared that we would go to our biological family.

The fucker sent our money back and told us he couldn't do that to a father. I call fucking bullshit. Now my sister is going to go ballistic. I fucking hope she doesn't set something on fire.

"What are we going to do now Vince?" Max worriedly asked him.

Vince sighed. "I don't know bud. According to the law, they have to go stay with... their family...."

I scoffed.

"That's not our fucking family. They're just some strangers who we share our DNA with. You guys are our family and that will never change." I seethed.

Vince and Max just passed me a sad smile and ruffled my hair until Vince suddenly perked up.

"What? What's got you looking like a light bulb?" Max asked in confusion.

"So you know how we have our company building in LA?" He asked, seeming a bit excited. I was confused until it clicked. He's going to move to LA with us. For us.

"Yeahhhh....?" Apparently Max the dumbass didn't get what Vince said.

We rolled our eyes. "He means you guys will be moving with us dumbass." I deadpanned.

"Language." Vince reprimanded. I shot him an apologetic look.

Max's eyes widened and his mouth made a perfect 'O'

"Really?!" He jumped up and down like a little kid.

"Yes!" Vince cheered.

"Y'all are worse than children sometimes, but I'm happy you're going with us!" I grinned.

The front door slammed open and my sister stormed in muttering a child friendly version of such colourful words that would put a sailor to shame.

Oooh she mad mad.

I snickered at the thought.

"Yo what's up with you fruitcake?" Max very cautiously asked.

"These dumb butt employees I tell you! They had one trucking job. ONE! And they made a trucking mess. Now the gym has to be closed down for a mothertrucking month." She clutched her hair as Vince let out a low chuckle.

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