Meet The Characters-2

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We're not putting pictures as there are shit ton of cousins here.
You can imagine them as you like though!

All first cousins!

  ~ Uncle Emiliano and Aunt Gia ~

Emilio - 26 years old

Darren- 24 years old

Brittney-18 years old (adopted) (we're giving her a picture cuz she a hoe)

Brittney-18 years old (adopted) (we're giving her a picture cuz she a hoe)

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( She's cute so we feel a bit bad. Those freckles tho...)

Diego- 18 years old

Ares- 14 years old

Ashton-14 years old

Alvin-14 years old.

~ Uncle Luciano and Aunt Maria ~

Vincenzo-27 years old

Liam- 24 years old

Luther- 20 years old

Damon- 18 years old.

Tyler- 16 years old

Kyle- 14 years old

~ Uncle Lucian and Aunt Valentine ~

Landon- 26 years old

Lane- 23 years old

Sandro- 21 years old

Valenciano- 18 years old

Valerio - 14 years old

Valeriano-14 years old

So we'll just break it down for y'all.

•The coolest person in the family.


•the oldies

Dad, uncle Emiliano, Uncle Luciano and Uncle Lucian

•the cool aunts

Aunt Gia, Aunt Valentine.

•The overbearing aunt

Aunt Maria

•The glaciers, aka the oldest brothers are,

Mason, Emilio, Vincenzo and Landon.

•The hold (hot and cold) apes aka second oldest brothers are:

Noah, Darren, Liam and Lane

•The mommies aka the nice oldest brothers:

Marco, Damien,Luther and Sandro

•The grizzlies aka the angry 18 year olds.

Romeo and Damon.

•The teddy bears aka the nice 18 year olds

Roman , Diego and Valenciano

• The pranksters aka the 16 year olds

Aaron and Tyler.

•The ugly monkeys aka the 14 year old boys

Ace, Ares, Ashton, Alvin, Kyle, Valerio and Valeriano

•the princess


And the last and definitely the least,

•Presenting da hoe and the most hated character after miss shit of a mother;

Brittney, bratney, shitney, trashney or bitchney. Whatever you prefer.

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