16: "Delicate and bubbly"

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t h i r d  p e r s o n
(We like it too much)

Angelina was sitting in the living room with Romeo and her other brothers, laughing and giggling at their lame and cheesy jokes.

This was a new side to the ever snarky and rude Romeo. Mason stared at them in wonder. In these few days, Angelina and Ace had managed to bring the best out of them all.

Their dad was more lively. Mason would show more emotions. He actually enjoyed making them sit in a corner in his room. Their playful banter and whining was quite amusing to him.

Noah would bring his playful side out more, Marco was...well Marco. Damien was suspicious. Not because he didn't trust them. No. He had a feeling he knew them from somewhere apart from them being his siblings.

He was doing his research. That was the only reason why he wouldn't be home most of the time.

Roman would be all sweet when Angelina was in the room, Aaron would play more pranks and the twins would definitely get him back.

The cousins seemed more happy and playful.

Most shocking of them all were Romeo and Damon. Those demons were actually angels underneath all the bad boy façade.

The family never knew they could be so sweet. Now the uncles and aunts were even more eager to see this little angel who had changed everyone including their own children.

Valerio conversed so much for crying out loud. He would always be very quiet.

The grandfather on the other hand wouldn't admit it but he was really giddy. He wanted to see his little princess. He sadly couldn't see her after she was born because they were being held up in Italy.

He was excited to meet his only granddaughter and the real Rossi princess.


Ew she would hit on the older males of the family and that was just nasty. Heck she didn't leave the 15 year olds either! MOST OF ALL, these guys were like her father, uncles and brothers. NOT TO MENTION GRANDPA.

Mason had went over to meet Vincent a bit earlier. When he finally put all his jealousy aside and though he hated to admit it, he knew Vincent was more of a brother to them than any of them could ever be.

He'd taken care of them and shown them the love of a brother when they couldn't. And for that, he would forever be grateful to Vincent Costa.

Mason invited Vincent and Max over for this dinner as he knew this would make Angelina and Ace happy. Plus he already considered them family for all the sacrifices they made for Ace and Angelina.

They should be here anytime now.

The family soon entered, talking in hushed voices. They went silent when they heard girlish angelic giggles and laughs coming from the living room. The sound of her laugh tugged at their heartstrings. It especially attracted the aunts of the family.

They were so excited to have a girl other than Brittney. Brittney wasn't liked by the aunts either. She was just....too screechy and hoe-ish for them.

So they were pumped to have a little Angel in the family.

They entered into the living room to see all the younger boys and the 18 year olds surrounding a petite girl, laughing with her.

The girl was beautiful. With perfect blonde hair to sparkling emerald green eyes. She was the epitome of perfection at just fourteen years old.

She was short, very short and had an aura of innocence and happiness around her. The rest of the family immediately fell in love with this petite princess.

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