2: "Trucking female dog stabbed me"

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It had been 8 years since the twins left. More like since they were so graciously kicked out with their mother.

Or were they?

Audrey Rossi or now Audrey Smith, was a sadistic woman. She took pleasure in other people's pain and misery. Slapping the youngest sibling, Angelina,was the highlight of her day for she thrived off of her fear and her youngest son's desperation for his twin.

After her husband divorced her, she played the poor mother card telling the judge how he already took all her children and now he would take her little twins away too.

That was not the case at all. She wanted to make them pay. She was angry. So she would hurt the most precious thing to them. The youngest twins.

She would tie Ace up, and hit Angelina till she passed out. She felt pleasurable shivers down her spine when she heard their screams of pain and despair.

She loved seeing them in pain. She loved the fear and desperation in their eyes.

a n g e l i n a

I was late today. I missed the bus and had to walk. Ace wasn't in today cause he's still recovering from yesterday's beating. We told our family we got into a fight.

He had it worse yesterday. I just hope he's okay and she doesn't hurt her more. Steve, Vinny and Max weren't here to protect us today.

Knowing Ace, he's going to talk back if she brought me up. I better get back fast. I reached home, and quickly ran in. I could hear Ace yelling.

Oh no.

I ran in to see Ace pushing Mom and her fuming, about to stab him with a knife. I quickly ran to cover him and she stabbed my arm instead.

I shrieked in surprise, my arm burning in pain. Ace lost his shit. He snatched the knife from her. He yelled something at her and she stormed out, a bit scared. I hissed at the burning pain in my arm and sat down on the marble floor cradling it.

Trucking female dog stabbed me.
Yeah no crap Sherlock
Oh shut up weird inner voice

Ace hurried over to me after calling papa.

"Why would you do that Annie!" He asked, more like yelled at me with tears in his eyes and I gave him a soft smile.

"Because I couldn't let her hurt you twino..."

He frowned.

"You always do that. I am supposed to protect you not the other way round!" He scolded me, as he stitched my arm and wrapped it up.

"Who even told you that? We're supposed to protect each other. Plus, I wasn't able to protect you that day." I muttered, feeling dejected.

"You had no way to. You were unconscious, Annie. It wasn't your fault. It was mine. It was me who couldn't protect you." I sighed as he wrapped me up in a tight embrace, still careful of my arm.

Papa and Vinny burst in through the front door, looking frantic and worried.

"Ace! Angie!" Vinny yelled out.

We ran to them and I jumped into papa's arms as Vinny checked Ace for anymore injuries.

Papa kissed my head and pulled away to check if I was injured. When his eyes landed on my bandaged arm, they darkened.

"Did she do this?" He gritted out as Vinny checked my arm with a worried and angered expression.

"Yes she did!" Ace answered when I didn't say anything.

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