5: "Eat the broccoli or it won't be pretty, boy."

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r o m e o

I was honestly not so happy with dad bringing the twins home. I mean, this is no place for little kids. Plus weren't they living a picture perfect life with mom and the Costa's? Yeah, granted the stepfather died and mom went missing, but couldn't they just stay away?

I couldn't help but still long for my little siblings deep inside.

They already took our mother. I know they were young but the child in me can't help but blame them for taking our mother away.

I barged into their room after I heard them laughing about our baffled faces. In my anger, I said some petty, hurtful things that I honestly did not mean. I knew it was uncalled for.

After I mentioned our mother, their faces visibly darkened. Angelina was damn near holding Ace back and she had a dark look in her eyes. It was as if she almost didn't want to hold him back.

What harm could he do anyways, he was a  good head shorter than me. He was what, 5'7? 5'8? And My little sister? She didn't even reach my shoulders.

I opened my mouth to say something but she cut me off. "I wouldn't do that if I were you lover boy. You already crossed a line as it is. I dare you to spout more nonsense from that mouth of yours brother." She glowered at me and for a tiny 13 year old, she looked quite intimidating.

"And this will be the first and the last time you talk to my sister like that. She might not care, but I will screw you up. I can guarantee what you said was complete bull. If they didn't want us and pitied us, they wouldn't have created such hassle for our custody." Ace glared at me. That only angered me more.

"Oh and lover boy, here's a piece of advice. Never assume if you don't know the situation well. It doesn't end well and you might just regret it. Jealousy doesn't suit you either. Be grateful you still had a family. Now can you kindly get out please? We're a bit busy you see." She sweetly said, batting her eyelashes.

I did the only thing I could. I angrily stormed out and slammed the door.

I saw our father in the hallway and I just knew he had heard the whole conversation. He looked pissed to say the least.

"My office. Now." He gritted out and stormed off. I just grunted and followed him.

Once we were both seated in his office, he pinned me with a cold stare.

"Tell me Romeo, what is your problem with your siblings?"

"Dad this is no place for little kids. Don't you see they're already such brats!"

"I don't see any harm in what they said Romeo. What you said was uncalled for. Who gave you the right to talk for us? When did we ever say we didn't want them?" I just looked down.

"I didn't really mean it dad..." he sighed.

"Look Romeo. I am sure you will never admit this out loud but I know you love them and missed them just as much as we did. I also know that they haven't forgotten us. But we have to see where they come from too. They were left with a psycho mother at a mere age of 4 when they should've been with us." Wait a minute. What does he mean by psycho mother?

"Why do you mean by psycho mother, dad?" I asked, clearly confused as he just sighed.

"Your mother wasn't mentally stable. She had been off her meds ever since Aaron was born and we didn't notice it. The psychiatrist contacted us a year after she took the twins with her. That was when we started fearing for the twins' lives. That was why we wanted to bring them back home regardless of the threats being thrown around." He took in a deep breath and continued.

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