15: "Beautiful royal toes"

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a n g e l i n a

I'm not nervous.

I mean yeah, I'm meeting the rest of my cousins, then my uncles and aunts and my grandpa, but if they're anything like those who I've already met, we will get along just fine.

If not....then well I don't care if they don't like me as I am. I am who I am and no one can change that.

I'm not even scared I might see Brittney today. Nah she can suck my toes. Wait no. I ain't giving a peasant the chance to suck my beautiful royal toes.


Yeah that sounds good.

I'm proud of you.
Thanks brain I'm proud of myself too.
You're impossible.
I know.

"Yo Angie!" Valerio called as he stepped into my room.


"What are you up to?" He asked.

"Nothing I'm just sketching for a bit. Did you need something?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

"Yeah. Let's go play something." He said, nearly bouncing on his toes.

Geez I'm saying 'toes' too much today.

"Yeah sure." I smiled and put my sketchbook away.

We walked out with his arm around my shoulder.

"So, you nervous about meeting grandpa and everyone else today?" He gently asked, nudging his shoulder with mine.

I looked up at him and he smiled down at me.

In the short time I've come to know Valerio, I can see he's a great person.

All of my cousins are, it's like,they're not my cousins but they're my brothers.

He's nice, sweet and funny. Most importantly, he sees me as his little sister and not just a cousin.

"Do you want me to be honest with you?" I quietly asked.

There was something about this cousin of mine, that made me want to spill all my secrets to him.

He looked surprised at my quiet tone but nodded anyways.

"I don't really know what to expect of them. Like, from what Ace told me about them, they are pretty great. Then if they're anything like you all and my brothers, I'd say I would love to see them. I just don't want to see her. She always puts a huge damper on my mood. Then about grandpa, Ace said he was a pretty cool person but Ace can even find a sloth 'cool' just because it's lazy. He did say he was worse than Mason though." I ranted, making hand gestures.

I didn't even realise we had reached the game room. Valerio was just looking down at me with a look of adoration plastered on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Relax." He smiled at me.

"I am relaxed!" I flailed my arms around to get my point across.

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