31: "where the hell is my baby?"

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Hey guys! So the cover up top is made by _aminaa_ . IT IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL AND I AM IN LOVE WITH IT REALLY. Thank you so much sweetheart!

m a r c o
(Bet y'all missed him.)

I was so excited. I was coming home early to surprise my babies. I missed them both so much.

Grandpa is also going with me. Well I don't really mind as long as I get the first hug from my baby.

She hasn't called me in like, THREE LONG DAYS.

I just hope she's okay and none of our dumbass brothers made her upset. If they did...well the don't want to know what I'll do.

I smile sadistically.

"What? Why are you making that face?" Grandpa asked, confusion marring his features.

"Nothing grandpa, I was just thinking." I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

He looked weirdly at me. "Yeah no don't make that face again you look like a baboon." He shudders.

That hurt. I pouted.

"Okay." I shrugged.

"Do you think she'll be excited to see us gramps?" I curiously asked.

He glared at me.

"You do not call me gramps. That is a name reserved only for my princess!" He hissed dangerously and I gulped.

Damn okay no need to go all Godzilla on me!

"Okay grandpa." I squeaked.

The bathroom door opens and he steps out.


Roman and Romeo's triplet.

(A/n now he has a name guys I swear y'all were getting so pissed off over it and it was amusing😂)

Yes. Triplet.

Dad had sent him to Italy because...he had attacked the twins once. Very fatally according to him.

I do not believe that. River would never intentionally hurt the baby twins because he loves them more than anything in this world.

I believe in him.

He would never purposely harm them. But he never told me the truth of what had actually happened that night either so I'm confused.

who should I believe?

You see, I might be a cheerful, dramatic and a bubbly person but I can definitely sit down and very patiently hear people out before blaming them of things they were accused of.

That is something my father and my brothers lack.

They shoot first and ask questions later. Sometimes they forget this is their family. Not the mafia.

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