26: "Angelina lilith! is giving people a heart attack your hobby?"

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It was finally the end of the day. Roman, Aaron and Ace tried to talk to me the whole day and my friends caught up on that after the first period.

I almost forgot. We have new additions to our group! Triplets. Weston, Winter, Wyatt. They're the sweetest triplets ever. But, coincidentally, they're a fooking day older than Isabelle and Jared. SO I'M STILL THE BABY OF THE GROUP.

So basically, Weston is the calm one, Winter is of course the girly girl who is obsessed with blue and white. Ironic, really.

Wyatt is the hothead. He's kind of like Ace....STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT DUMB TWIN OF YOURS ANGELINA LILITH.

Anyways, my 'brothers' would try to catch me in the hallways and I would immediately be surrounded by my friends.

Then they tried talking to me at lunch by trying to drag me to an empty classroom.

Keyword: trying.

Big mistake. Romeo practically growled and snarled at them like an animal and told them to, 'stay away from his sunshine.'

Jared and Jensen were no better. Heck even Weston,Winter and Wyatt have become protective over me!

It was quite entertaining to see Winter, Isabelle and Mia going all sassy on them.

Jared and Wyatt almost punched Ace, twice when he irked them too much. I had to stop them every damn time.

I kind of wanted him to, but he's my twin so I would never intentionally hurt him. Ever.

Heck I would definitely take a fucking bullet for him!

Little did I know....

So right now, I'm on Romeo's shoulder with his ugly butt in front of my face while he scolds me.

Jared the idiot told him I was trying out for basketball.

"Seriously, why did you not tell me? Do you even know how rough we play?" He chastised.

"Well I wanted to surprise you!" I whined.

"Surprise me my ass." He muttered.

"Yeah I know, your ass is front of my face." I sassed.

"You really like giving me huge shocks don't you?" He grunted.

"Nah." I giggled. He shook his head and chuckled.

I decide give him a nice shock. I quickly twist and gently slam my elbows on his back, enough to make him too shocked to act but not hurt.

I then do a backflip over his head and land on my feet, grinning wide. While Romeo just looks pale and ready to faint.

I go over to him and shake his shoulders.

"Yo Romeo you okay?" I wiggle my eyebrows, a wide grin plastered onto my face.

He snaps out of it and sighs, running a hand down his face.

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