09 / Ten Times Worse

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"It wasn't his fault, I just put pressure on it the wrong way and he snapped in half."


—Tuesday / 3:30 pm

"That doesn't make any sense though." "It does to him apparently. I really don't care for him or his ways." I shrug as I open my locker. "He was flirting with me earlier. It's funny but stressful." I glance over at him smiling.

"Why would it be stressful?" "Just the things he says." He looks away, his ears burn a bright red. "Ah, okay. I get it." I chuckle as Beverly and Ben wave at us.

"What about Richie?" "He's twice as bad as Bill is. But not recently. I think he feels bad that I broke my arm. It wasn't his fault, I just put pressure on it in the wrong way and it snapped in half."

"Eddie! Stop." I cover my ears as Eddie chuckles.

—9:15 pm

"Thanks, Stan." Ben smiles. Eddie quietly giggles at his phone. "Oooh." "Shut up. Bills being dumb again." He chuckles showing me the text.


B: hey

E: hi?

B: Richie gave me your number

E: ofc he did

B: you're pretty cute

E: thanks?

B: why don't you come hang out with me later?

E: I'm pretty sure neither of us wants to do anything today

B: not both. Just you

E: And do what?

B: whatever you want.

"Oh shit, Eddie," I chuckle. "Do it." He glares at me. "What?" "Go over there. See what he wants to do." I tease as his complexion turns a slight pink.

"I would rather not." He mumbles pushing my shoulder. "Well then go to Richies." His eyes widen. "No. No. Not Richie, he's ten times worse when it comes to flirting."

"Hmm okay." I chuckle getting up, grabbing something to eat.

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