018 / Mac

501 15 22

"I uh...what are you doing?" "Don't worry about it, babe."


—Lunch Time

"No that makes no sense." "It makes total sense love." He uses the nickname, I turn away. "Aw, don't get flustered here." He hugs me from behind, swaying side to side quickly.

"You suck," I giggle. "Hey, Bill. You okay?" "Yeah. Just tired." He shrugs grabbing his food. "I don't believe that," I mumble sitting down beside him. "Why are you worried about me?"

"Because you're not acting your usual self." "I'm fine...I'm just not sleeping well bunny boy." He smirks weakly, causing my face to burn a bright red.

"That f-fucker." Eddie sniffles gently. "What happened?" "She wrote on my cast." He wipes a tear away with his sleeve. One of Richie's hoodies.

"Who did?" Richie stands up quickly, looking around. "It's not important Richie." Richie glares at him as if he'd said something completely wrong.

In Richie's eyes, he has.

"Fuck where is it? Got it. Come here." He reaches into his many pockets, Eddie sits down slowly, hesitantly to be correct.

"Don't write on it Rich..." In a bright red he writes over the S. Making it go from Loser to Lover.

"You're not a loser Eds...you're a lover." Richie looks away, fearing we might see his red face.

Eddies arms go around him quickly. "Thank you, Richie." Richie smiles gently. "Anything for you." He whispers before Eddie sits back down.

"Oh uh...hey Stanley? It's Stanley right?" A boy walks to our table. "I uh...I think you're really cute...I wanted to know if we could hang out later today?" "Sure-" "Sorry. He's hanging out with me today." Bill interrupts.

"We haven't made plans today. Sure...if I can get your number?" The boy nods quickly handing me his phone. "I'll see you later." He smiles walking away.

"What the fuck?" "What? He wants to hang out." I shrug. "He called you cute..." Bill's brows stay furrowed. "Is there a problem with that?" I raise mine.

"Yeah...a big one." He mumbles standing up and sitting at a different table. Why is he being a dick today?" Eddie and Richie shrug.

—Thursday 3:40 pm

I sit at home watching tv. Ben and Beverly have gone to the library as always. And Eddie emery somewhere. He disappears and doesn't tell me where he goes.

My phone dings.


M: hey is this Stanley?

S: yeah.

M: Sorry I didn't tell you my name earlier. It's Mac by the way.

S: cool name. Where do you wanna hang out?

M: it's a surprise. Meet me in front of the school

S: okay :)

—4:45 pm

I check the time every five minutes, the semi-cold air making my nose run. "Hey, Stanley." Mac smiles gently. "Hey...got here early just in case." I chuckle slightly.

"Here follow me." He grabs my wrist from my pocket. Pulling me towards the back of the school.

"So what are we gonna do?" I chuckle nervously. He stays silent. Maybe he didn't hear me?

We stand near the woods. "What's back here?" I look past him and around him. He's pretty tall and a little buff. Maybe like Mike. But a bit smaller

He pulls my wrist harshly. "Ow." I wince as he smirks. "Come here." I start to back away. Of course, a fucking tree gets in my way.

"I uh...what are you doing?" "Don't worry about it, babe." My stomach twists into a knot.

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