076 / Basic shapes

303 11 8

Like if he's not holding onto me...I'll leave him like Connor did.


—The next day / Thursday?

I stand in front of the mirror. Purple spots trailing down my neck and chest. I touch at each of them. Counting them.

Five on my neck, three on each of my collarbones, four scattered around my chest and six going down my stomach.

Twenty-one. Odd numbers suck.

(If you haven't noticed. In each of my stories for the time, I never put like 12:05 am bc I don't like odd numbers. I never end a story on an odd number unless I have to. So yeah.)

"Bunny? You almost done?" "Huh? Yeah..." I open the door, he only wears his pajama pants. I count the hickeys on him.

Six on his neck, nine going from his chest down to his stomach.

Fifteen. Odd numbers.

"Are you just gonna stare at me?" He chuckles kissing my neck softly. "I was thinking." I giggle walking away, holding the towel around my waist tightly. I can feel my ears burning.

"Don't be embarrassed." I can hear him in the back of my mind. His soft lips turning into a grin. His eyes following me as a walk past him. The way he bites his lip while looking away as I snap at him. He thinks it's cute when I'm mad.

The way he draws little shapes on my back. Sometimes hearts, squares, circles. Basic shapes that I print out into my mind.

The way he hugs me from behind, no space can be in between us in his mind.

The way he held onto me that night I had to promise him I wouldn't leave. I don't recall another time I've been hugged that tightly. His eyes followed me everywhere, just to make sure I wouldn't leave him.

Sometimes. At night, if he can't feel me, or I'm too far away from him, he'll scoot closer dead in his sleep. Once again, he has to make sure there isn't any room in between us. Like if he's not holding onto me...I'll leave him like Connor did.

"Yeah. Connor left him while he was asleep. And completely drunk. I think the moments that hurt him the most while he's drunk, are the ones he can remember." Mike had explained to me one day.

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