07 / Night Babe

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"Are you sure?" "Yeah. It wasn't your fault anyway."


"Does it hurt?" Eddie shrugs as we sit in the front. The back two doors close. "Might as well go with." Bill mumbles. Richie stares at the ground.

The car trip quick and semi-silent. Bill would cover my eyes every once in a while

"Bill! You can't do that while I'm driving." Eddie and Bill laugh loudly as Richie just smiles.

"There you go Mr. Kaspbrak. Make sure to take care of it. Don't get it wet." The nurse smiles. "Shut up Richie.

"Oh yeah, Eddie...your mom called in." Eddie sighs walking back to the nurse.

"Eddie," Richie mumbles tapping his fingers against the armrest. "Thanks." He mumbles before walking away.

"So Eds..." "Fuck no. No-no-no." "No, listen." He pulls him aside.

"Bill?" He turns around slowly. "Connor? What do you want?" "Well hello to you too. I dislocated my shoulder," He chuckles. "Is that your hoodie?" He nods slowly and hesitantly.

"Why is there a problem?" His arm loosely wraps around my waist.

"I see you've found someone else to lie to." He stands in front of me. Basically towering over me. "We aren't dating." His voice full of annoyance.

"Really? When we were together you said that just so you could mess with someone else." Connor keeps his eyes on me as he speaks.

"You gave me your hoodie. Remember? People assumed and you denied it."

The wind gives me goosebumps. Also Connor.

"I would rather you back up before I dislocate your other shoulder...got it?" Connor rolls his eyes. "You wouldn't touch me." He gets into Bill's face. "You wanna bet?"

"Hey...Hey. Let's not do that." Bill
keeps his eyes on the boy as I pull him away.

"Fuck you, Bill!" Connor gets into a car. "I'm gonna beat his ass." "No. No, you're not. Look there's Richie and Eddie." I grip his arm. His hands stay in his pockets almost all the time.

"Are you sure?" "Yeah. It wasn't your fault anyway." Eddie shrugs gently before getting into the car.

"We're gonna walk." Bill's face now full of peace. "See you tomorrow." He nods before walking away with Richie.

"He almost got in a fight just a bit ago." I break the comfortable silence.

"With who??" "Bowers...well not Henry. Connor, Bowers cousin." "Shit man." Eddie blinks a couple of times as we park.

"He said something weird though." "What?" "Something like he gave him his hoodie. He lied a lot? I don't know." "Weird," Eddie mumbles walking into his room. "G'night." He mumbles.


Slowly my pants fall to the floor. Warmth lifts off of my torso as the hoodie lays on a chair. I slide shorts on. Laying down I hear a small bell ring.

—Text from Bill 🙄

Bill 🙄

B: night babe

S: Night 🙄

B: what, don't like being called that?

S: Nope.

B: sorry babe. It's sticking. Night

S: whatever. Good night

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