033 / A eye for a eye

373 10 9

"Hmm okay. Your cheeks are pink...that doesn't mean anything, does it?"


—Thursday 5:10 am

"Stan...psst." Someone whispers tapping my face. "I will bite you. Don't test my patience." I groan turning onto my other side.

"Wake up dummy. I made breakfast." "Richie...what time is it?" "5:10 am..." "Richie." I groan as he picks me up bridal style. I had fallen asleep on the couch.

"Why do you wake up so early? Ooh, fruit." He chuckles.

We sit on the couch. Well more like me on his lap. "We should skip school. I don't wanna go." "We gotta go Rich. Today and tomorrow and then the weekend."

He furrows his brows. "Then we have to go back" I shove a piece of fruit in his mouth, leading to my finger getting bit.

"Ow, you asshole." I giggle. "Oh...hey Bill." Richie smiles very weakly, looking away.

"Morning Bill." I smile walking back into the kitchen.

"Why were you on his lap?" He hugs me from behind, his cold fingertips surprising me as his palms wrap around waist slightly.

"I don't know...just sat there," I mumble grabbing more eggs. "Hmmm. Okay." He walks away. "Hi, Eddie," Richie mumbles, grabbing a glass.

"Hi, Rich." He smiles sitting on the couch. "Can I eat my food first?" Eddie giggles. "Nope."

Turning around Bill kisses Eddie gently. "I'm gonna go get dressed," I say in between yawning, my cheeks a light shade of pink.

"What's wrong bunny?" I hear a small knock as I pull a shirt over my head. "Nothing? Just had to get dressed."

"Hmm okay. Your cheeks are pink...that doesn't mean anything, does it?" He stares into my eyes. A shiver runs down my spine.

"No...why would it?" "I don't know. Jealousy?" He smirks at me, raising his brows.

"No...if that was your goal it didn't work." He wraps his arms around my torso.

"Don't lie...you should know that by now." His fingers hold onto my lower back.

"Plus...if you make me jealous-" "You'll make me jealous?" He nods cupping my chin. "You got it." He smirks before walking away.

An eye for an eye situation?

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