023 / My Fault?

454 12 12

"You know it's been a week since you've talked to us, right?" "And that's my fault?"


—after school

Bill latches onto my hand gently. He talks to Richie who holds onto Eddie's free hand.

"Nah. Her friend is hot." "I thought you were gay?" Eddie giggles. "Nah. I like both. Also, your mom is beautiful when she-" "Ew! Shut up!" Eddie squeals pushing Richie away.

"What's her friend's name?" "Victor I think." "Yeah. I've been with him." Bill shrugs.

I guess it's normal.

"There she is. Come on Bill." Richie releases Eddie's hand, running down the pavement for the girl.

"Bye." He looks at Eddie then me before speed walking away.

"I wanna make a cake." I laugh. "Please? That sounds great." Eddie chuckles.

—At home 6:14 pm

"Wait how much butter?" I look back at the box before grabbing the correct about of butter. "Whatcha doing?" Eddie squeals as Bill hugs him from behind.

Richies arms gently slither around my torso.

"We're making a cake...hi I'm Stanley." A girl smiles at me weakly. "Patty." "Come on Bill. Let's go." A boy mumbles grabbing Bill's forearm gently.

Bill stares at his arm for a second before nodding. "See you later Bunny." He slithers an arm around the boy's waist as they leave the house.

"Hi, Mikey." I chuckle as he begins to help. "Bye Richie." "Bye." He mumbles letting go of Eddies waist.

"Funfetti cake is the best." Mike chuckles spraying the pan. "Duh. That's the best choice." I giggle licking the spoon.

"You'll get sick," Eddie mumbles pushing my shoulder gently. "I'll be fine." I shrug putting the pan in the oven.

"Who cuts a cake like that??" I furrow my brows. "It's like brownies. You don't do that?" Mike furrows his brows handing us a piece. "No. I'm pretty sure no one does it like that. I giggle.

We spend the rest of the night eating cake and laughing.

—A week later / Tuesday 2:30 am

"Why is he calling me this early?" I groan picking the phone up.

S: Hello?

B: come unlock your door

S: why?

B: just do it

S: whatever

"What are you doing here? Hey Richie." "Bill? Richie?" Eddie rubs his eye gently.

"Got into a fight." Bill shrugs as Eddie pulls the two to the couch. "Here." Bill puts an ice pack on his eye gently. Eddie tends to the cut on Richie's lip and cheek.

"You need to be more careful. You know that right?" "It's whatever." Bill like always, shrugs his shoulders. Pushing the problem away.

"You have a huge fucking bruise on your side." He lifts Bill's shirt up gently.

"You know it's been a week since you've talked to us, right?" "And that's my fault?" He lifts the ice pack up.

"You decide to come here? Out of anyone's house? That makes no sense." I shake my head.

"Who else's house could we have gone to?" Richie mumbles. "I don't know. One of your dumb love interest." "Choose your words carefully." "And why should I?" Bill towers above me. "Seems like you're jealous." His facial expression blank.

"Why the fuck would I be jealous? Of people you fuck with? I'm absolutely fine with not being one of them." "Alright then. Give me the hoodie back,"

He picks it up from the couch. I had left it there earlier.

"Block my number. I don't give a shit." He gets in my face before walking out.

Richie begins to follow after him. "Richie not you-" "You didn't have to be an ass." He closes the door quickly. I pinch the bridge of my nose before walking to my room and slamming the door.

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