062 / Good. Leave

304 11 7

"You're getting on my fucking nerves you know." "Good. Leave." "Whatever."


—Wednesday / first class

"I don't remember any of that..." his voice and face stay calm. "He's pissed man. Basically cheated on him as soon as you guys got together." "He should've known." "What's wrong with you?" "Nothing." I stand in front of him.

"You know you could've had the best person in this entire school and you fucked up your chance." "Ooh. Big Mike is mad." He rolls his eyes. "Listen man. If we weren't in school right now I would've decked your ass just now."

Once again he rolls his eyes. Wanting to end the conversation.

—Stan's POV


B: Bill's being mean

S: Yeah I know

B: I'm sorry

S: It's okay Ben.

B: Mike is mad at him

S: Oh...please make sure they don't get into a fight

B: Are they?

S: Mike will snap at any moment and Bill will be the reason.

B: Oh...I'll try. Get better

S: Thank you:)


B: Why the fuck is Mike mad?

S: I'm trying to take a nap

B: answer the question

S: He told you about last night right?

B: Yeah. You should've known

S: Fuck you.

B: Whatever

S: Free Msg. Unable to send message - Message blocking is active.

B: No the fuck you did not

S: Free Msg. Unable to send message - Message blocking is active.

I blocked him.

— lunch

"Hey Eddie. Can I use your phone real quick?" "Sure. What for?" "Gotta call someone." He hands me his phone, leaning into Richie's side.


S: Eddie you woke me up. What do you want?

B: I want you to talk to me

S: I don't wanna. I'm sick

B: too bad. Tell me what I did wrong

S: Mike told your earlier.

B: I want you to tell me

S: Why? You already know what happened.

B: Just fucking tell me

S: You fucking cheated on me. Kissed another guy. Got drunk and told me dating me was a joke.

B: ...

S: So I left you drunk at your house. Can I go to bed now?

B: No

S: Bill please I'm not I the mood to be dealing with an asshole right now.

B: Fine whatever

I hang up quickly.


— Stan's POV

"So much has been happening to me in the past like month and I hate it Rich." I lay curled up in a ball as I talk to Richie on the phone. A tear rolls down my cheek.

"I know you do. I wish I could help." "I do too." "I gotta get to class. Call me if you need me." "Okay." I sigh hanging up.

Staring at my home screen is a picture of Bill and I Richie took with out either of us knowing. I drift off to sleep as the tears sting my eyes slightly.

—8:24 pm

"Richie?" He scoots next over when he can lay beside me. "You've been asleep for like ever. Do you feel any better?" "Kind of." I grab my phone, no notifications.

"Who's here?" "Ben, Bev, Eddie, Mike....Bill." "What the fuck Richie?" "I know I know. He kind of came here with out permission. I can't stop him."

"Yeah. He can't. Out." Richie walks past the boy, going towards the living room.

"Bill get out I'm sick." "No." "Go leave please I don't wanna talk to you." "Why not? I don't understand what I did wrong."

"Of course you don't. You know I really regret agreeing to come to the quarry with you. If I would've disagreed I wouldn't be in this situation right now."

I stand up pushing him out of my room. "Open the door." "No." "Stan." "Bill." "You're getting on my fucking nerves you know." "Good. Leave." "Whatever."

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