086 / You're welcome

259 9 2

"You're welcome."


The redness from his cheeks disappear. I place my foot beside his, messing with his pant leg. He giggles quietly, very weakly.

The waiter takes our order. "I'll be right back." He smiles.

"Look they gave us a kids menu." He giggles pulling the crayons out. "I bet I can beat you in tic-tac-toe."

"You really wanna bet?" "Sure. If I win, I get unlimited forehead kisses and hugs." He smiles. "That's your weakness huh?" "Yup."

"If I win, I can put a hickey on you whenever I want, no more forehead kisses either." "Even in public? School?? Bill no!" He lowers his voice. "Yup." "I gotta win." "Don't get cocky bunny." I smirk at him, shaking his hand gently.

—a bit later.

I won.

"Wait wait wait. Rematch." "You're gonna have to live without them. Y'know what? I wanna put one on now." "Bill I'll do anything, not now." "It's because you'll make a noise isn't it?" "Mhmm." He hides his face.

"Fine. I'll let it slide for now." He sighs, a sigh of relief.

"But tomorrow expect one." "I'm scared." "You should be." I smile as the waiter brings us our food.

— a bit later.

"Stop taking my fries." "There was an unspoken rule. I can steal a fry whenever." "Why didn't I know about this?" "It was unspoken." "You better be glad you're my best friend." He giggles running his fingers along my palm.

"I'm done." "You don't eat a whole bunch." "I never do." He giggles. "I bet if we go back Richie will ask if we brought him anything."

"No he won't." "Do you know how long I've known him? He always asks. You wanna bet?" "Sure. I'm gonna win." "If I win...let me think. Ooh. I get to leave hickeys on your thighs."

"What the fuck?? Bill!" He giggles. "If I win...we get to go on another date. Like this." "I better lose." He laughs as we leave.

— at home.

We stand at the door. "Are you sure you still wanna do this?" "Yup." He hesitates before opening the door.

"Did you bring any leftovers?" Stan sighs hanging his head in shame. "Did you bet him?" "Yup." "You're welcome." He chuckles taking the box of food.

"Does it have to be now?" "Nope. It can be whenever I want."

My heart flutters at the thought of how he's started to get used to my flirting ways. We both know he's freaking out as I say stuff like that.

"Night." Richie chuckles kissing Eddie gently. Richie follows me out as I smile to myself. "I'll let it slide. Just because you brought me food."

"He always gets happy when he makes me smile." "Stan!" "Richie be quiet." Stan shakes his head. "You made Bill smile." "I did??" He smiles. "Night." He giggles closing his front door.

"You're welcome."

A Player's First Choice // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now