057 / My god. Those words

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"I'm his?"


—Bill's POV

"I call sitting in the front." Eddie giggles sitting in the front with Richie. "Come on." I hold the door for Stan as he gets in.

—during the car ride

Richie and Eddie sing along to songs as Stanley and I sit quietly. Stan stares out of the window, tapping his fingers align to the songs.

"Don't be pissed off." "I-I'm not." "Don't be mad either." "I-I'm not." "Don't cry." I whisper grabbing his hand.

"I'm sorry." He sniffles scooting to the middle. "Okay."

Everyone knows I don't verbally accept apologies. Well. All I say is okay.

"You know you didn't have to kiss him." I mutter. "I wasn't thinking. I promise." "Yeah..." he looks up at me, I wipe the tear away from his cheek.

—Stanley's POV

Richie parks the car, the two get out.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He blinks slowly. "I-I wanna kiss you." "No." "You can't stop me." "Yes I can."

"Then do it." I lean in slowly. He doesn't stop me.

"Denbrough!" Someone pulls him out of the car by his backpack strap. "Dude!" He gets up tackling the boy with a hug.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" Bill smiles hugging the boy tightly. "What the fuck are you doing here?" "Transferred." "You know there's only two weeks of school left."

"Doesn't matter. I had to come back to see you." Bill hugs him again before finding me in the car. "Oh. Bunny meet Spencer." "Bunny? You are fucking with him are you?" Theo chuckles.

"Of course I am. He's my bitch." He says happily squeezing my hand gently. "Stanley Uris." I smile gently shaking his hand.

"Spencer. Spencer Williams." He looks me up and down slowly. "You got a good one." "Fuck off man," Bill smiles pulling me along with the two.

"He's mine. Don't try to fuck with him now."  He chuckles happily.

I'm his?

I'm Bill Denbrough's?

The player?

My god those words.

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