054 / Worries and Thunderstorms

321 11 5

"You know he's using you right? I actually loved you. You didn't understand!"


"Stop eating all of it fucker." I giggle grabbing his spoon. "So we're sharing spoons now?" I shake my head quickly. "It's the same as kissing. You would rather do that?"

"Shut up." I shove the spoon back into his hand. "Denbrough." Someone says in a sing song's voice. Slapping their hands onto the table, startling both of us. Which is unusual for Bill.

"What the fuck do you want Connor?" "For you to stop hanging out with this bitch. He's clearly using you." Connor smirks getting some melted ice cream onto his finger and licking it off.

"Go away." Bill keeps his eyes on the hand he holds. "Make me." Bill's breathing quickens as he blinks a few times. Thunder sounds in the distance.

Quickly he pushes the boy out of the way and walking out of the place. The waiter hands me the card back as I follow Connor out.

"I don't know what you want from us but you need to leave." He glares at me, pure anger in his eyes as he pulls something from his pocket.

A knife.

My hands go in the air as I back up, he begins to inch closer.

"Fucking touch him and your skull will be in the damn concrete," Bill mutters gripping the boy's arm tightly. He keeps his eyes on me. The rain begins to drizzle slightly.

"Bill, he has a fucking knife." My voice cracks as I let out a shaky breath of fear. Pure fear runs through my veins.

Connor stands in front of Bill, the knife carefully pointed at his stomach.

"You know he's using you right? I actually loved you. You didn't understand!" Bill doesn't flinch at the loudness of the boy's voice.

On the other hand each loud word I tense up. "You said I lied! I don't lie. I don't lie!" Bill carefully listens to each word as I dial 911 silently.

—Bill's POV

"Are you still in love with me?" Connor's eyes light up in excitement. "Yes. I do. I really do. Your stutter, your everything...do you love me back?" The grip on the knife loosens as he touches my cheek gently.

I flinch slightly at the touch. Stan gives me a look of concern. "Don't fucking look at him. He's using you remember?" His voice gets softer as he continues to speak.

"Do you still love me?" "Put the knife down." He gives me a confused look. A cop stands in front of Stan. "You did this?" He glares at Stanley.

"Don't fucking touch him." "You mother fucker!" "Connor!" I raise my voice slightly as he glances from me to Stan with teary eyes.

"You love him, don't you? Don't you?!" I flinch once again as he points at Stan. "Leave him out of this." A cop finally pulls him away.

"Dammit Bill," Stan stands on his tiptoes, his arms wrapped around my neck tightly.  My breathing slows as my heart rate does the same. The rain soaks both of us, my hair begins to flatten onto my head.

Small drips of rain drip from Stan's curls. Thunder makes his grip around me tighten.

"You could've gotten hurt." I gently wrap my arms around his waist. "Why are you so worried?" "Because." "It's my job to worry about you. Not the other way around." I chuckle

blushing slightly.

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