085 / It'll be okay

266 10 4

"Look at me bunny. It'll be okay." He looks at me slowly, his eyes red from tears. "I promise..."


"I forgot how good you look in sweaters." I hold his hand above him, spinning him around slowly.

"Damn," I whisper pulling him closer, our hips make contact. "C'mon. The car is here." He giggles intertwining our fingers.

My heart stops beating for a second. Weird.

He sits in the back with me, we take a picture real quick. I smile as I get a text from him.

Your favorite

"Did you really change your contact name?" "Mhmm? Do you like it?" "Of course." I kiss him gently. "Oooh. Do that again."

"Nope. One thing will lead to another and-" "Bill." He squeals quietly, covering my mouth as the person continues to drive. I see them grin at us.

— a bit later.

Stan admires the stars from his window. "Look at that one." He giggles. "C'mon weirdo we're here." I pull him out of the car, paying the driver soon after.

"C'mon. Why are you looking at me like that." His eyes twinkle as the red lights from the front of the restaurant glows vibrantly.

"Isn't this considered as our first date?" He wraps his arms around my neck. On instinct, my hands fall onto his hips.

"Sure, you choose." I kiss his cheek before walking in.

"Oh, we're not together." Stan chuckles as he talks to someone, I frown slightly. "You two would look good together." An old lady smiles at us. "He's a keeper." He whispers into my ear, patting my cheek before walking off.

"Oh yeah...I know." I'm even surprised at my own words. "What did she say? Are you blushing?" "No, it's the lights I swear."

"Mhmm sure." "It is!" I argue back as we sit down. Our hands still connected.

His phone buzzes.

"What? What do you mean?" He begins to hyperventilate.


B: Richie? What's happening?

R: They posted the other part of the video.
The tone of his voice dampening my mood.

Stanley whimpers as I hang the phone up, sitting beside him quickly.

"Hey hey hey. It's okay. Look at me." He whimpers hiding his face as his breathing hitches.

"Look at me bunny. It'll be okay." He looks at me slowly, his eyes red from tears. "I promise..." he sniffles leaning into my side.

"I'll get it taken care of okay?" He nods as I try to get up. "No." He whispers clutching back onto me.

"Stan..." I run my thumbs over his soft knuckles as I sit in front of him.

A Player's First Choice // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now