059 / bar

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"No need to make me cry, Bev." "I'm just stating facts. You're better than him in a lot of ways and you're the perfect guy for anyone. Just saying."


"Thank you, Ben." "No problem. I'm great at math. Happy to help." He smirks purely before walking away. "We should go out. Just you and me." Beverly smiles. "Okay bet." I giggle finding my shoes. "Where to Marsh?" "What about the diner down by the school?" "Sure."

Beverly drives as we sing songs. Listening to songs from our childhood and songs we love. "No one can top The Wiggles." "That's absolutely true." She smiles while she parks.

"Not to kill the mood. But I'm pretty sure Bill is here." "Probably out with one of his little flings." "Doesn't that affect you?" "Yeah. It's whatever."

"I wouldn't let Ben do that." "He physically can't do anything wrong, Bev." "That's why I'm dating him. He's great." We both laugh sitting down.

Bill turns around slightly. Furrowing his brows before paying attention to the boy he's with. "Asshole," I mutter as we sit down.

—a bit later

"Come on Bill. I can get into the bar." "I like the way you talk." He chuckles connecting their lips leaving the place. "Hey. They didn't pay." "I'll pay. I know one of them." I sigh handing them guy the money.

"Thank you. Really." He smirks before waking away. "What's wrong? Did he dampen your mood?" "Pretty much." I sigh taking a sip of my drink.

"Don't worry hun. He isn't worth it." "What if he is? What if he's the one I'm supposed to be with?" "He would be a better person then." She smiles gripping my hand gently. "He is a good person." She shakes her head gently.

"Beverly." "Stanley. Promise me. I know. He'll change if he wants you. And right now. He doesn't realize how cute and handsome and sweet you are. Any guy would want you."

"No need to make me cry, Bev." "I'm just stating facts. You're better than him in a lot of ways and you're the perfect guy for anyone. Just saying." "You are my favorite you know." We both giggle taking a drink of our drinks.

—a little later

"Bill just texted you." She mutters opening the message.


B: can u come pick me up I csnt drice

S: Where are you?

B: bar

"Fucker. I'll drop you off and go get him." "Are you sure?" "Yeah. He's my responsibility anyway." I shrug letting her out. "I'm gonna hurt him since he's being an ass." "I love how you're my personal bodyguard." "It's because your small. I have to take care of you."

"You bitch." I giggle flipping her off as I drive away.

A Player's First Choice // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now