075 / I didn't mean it

336 9 2

"Wait I didn't mean it."


"You didn't suck hi-" "Mike I'm holding a knife you better watch out." I chuckle. "Just checking." "No. I didn't." I giggle handing him a slice of the apple.

"You owe me 5 bucks, Richie. You to Beverly." "He didn't?! Awe fuck Stan you should've." My face turns a bright red as Richie and Beverly hand Mike $5.

"Don't be embarrassed Bunny." Bill chuckles as his hands travel up and down my back. "I'm still mad at you." "Why? I thought that could've changed your mind." He furrows his brows. "Because you said we would go out and eat. You left me in the rain."

"Shit. You should've told me." He draws light shapes on my back.

"No, they aren't dating. That's what he does." Richie shrugs pulling Eddie close. "Why are you talking about me?" "Eddie asked a question." Richie avoids eye contact with Bill.

"Calm down. We don't talk bad about you."

At this point the only person that can be a 'bitch' to Bill, is Eddie. Nobody really understands why neither does Eddie or Bill. He just allows him to.

"Fine." He shrugs sitting down beside Richie. "Well, where am I supposed to sit?" Bill smirks while looking me up and down.

"No. Scoot over Rich." Richie does as he's told. I sit beside the two.

"Stop touching me." "Let me hold your hand." "No." "Eds." "Rich." "Just let me hold your hand." "No." "Why??" "Because." "If you wanna be like that we don't have to be together. Your choice." "Do you really wanna break up with me over me not wanting to hold your hand?"

"Sure. Whatever you want Eddie." Eddie flinches at his name. Only because he's used to being called Eds and lots others.

"Wait I didn't mean it." "Maybe I did." Richie goes to stand up, the smaller on pulls him back down, intertwining their hands. "I don't wanna break up." He whispers snuggling into the boy's side.

"Neither do I." Richie kisses the boy's head gently.

"I don't know either," Bill whispers. Squeezing my hand gently. I just now noticed he's holding my hand.

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