026 / Skipping class

418 10 1

"I wouldn't let you fall like that love." He smiles gently. "You're the worst." "But I'm your favorite right?"


—Tuesday / Library

"You guys will be late for class." Beverly, Eddie, and Mike find us all sitting against bookshelves. I still sit against Richie.

"Why don't we just skip? Go to the quarry or something?" Bill had been lying flat on his back, raising his head up to speak.

"What?" "No. We're not doing that." Eddie and I try to argue against Bill. "Sure." "Ben?" I look at him wide-eyed.

"We only have two classes left. It won't hurt Stan." "But what about the test-" "We'll make them up tomorrow," Richie mumbles putting one hand over my mouth.

The book he holds is halfway done with. "But-" "No buts. Let's go." Bill grabs onto Eddies small hand, leading him out of the library.

I stand up helping Richie up. "Hold on." He makes his way to the counter checking the book out quickly. "You didn't hear us-" "Where are you guys going?" The librarian smiles as we all leave.

"Shhh, Richie." I giggle as he opens his locker. "You're taking forever. Everyone's already leaving." I chuckle as he closes his locker. "Come on love." He smirks grabbing my hand as we all run out of the school laughing.

"We're all gonna have to walk." Mike chuckles as we all shrug. "Let me get in your back." Richie turns his backpack around, he squats down slightly letting me jump onto his back.

"It's not that cold Rich." I chuckle standing in hip-deep water. "Trust me." I lend out a hand as sunglasses sit on top of my curls.

"Liar!" He falls into me, we both go under. "Shit man." I come up coughing. "It's cold you liar." He intertwines his hand with mine as we push each other around.

"You're very weak you know." He releases my hands which I start to fall back. I squeal loudly.

At this point, I'm expecting to fall into the water but instead. Richie wraps his arms around me.

"I wouldn't let you fall like that love." He smiles gently. "You're the worst." "But I'm your favorite right?"

I nod gently, wrapping my arms around his neck.

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