103 / He stops breathing

278 10 11

He stops breathing.


I sit with my mom for a while. We talk and laugh before someone knocks on the door.

"I'll get it." I chuckle opening the door hesitantly. "Dad?" I straighten my back out, searching for any type of wrinkle in my shirt.

"What are you doing here? What are these?" "Just to see mom...I'm leaving now." "No, you're not. What are those?" He grips my jaw a little bit too tightly.

"Dad...Dad, you're hurting me." I try to push his arm away.

"Good. Who gave you those?" "N-Nobody." "I'm not an idiot Stanley. Who?" "B-Bill did... let go please." "You stay away from him...he's not a good influence." He pushes me away, my mom practically catches me.

"Why didn't you do anything?" I whisper wiping her tears away. "It would've become worse. I'm sorry. I love you, Stan. You're still my baby right?"

"Mom..." I groan pushing her hand away. "Love you too..." I whisper before closing the door behind me. My phone sits on the front steps.

Multiple texts from Richie and Eddie.

One from Bill.


B: I'll see you tomorrow. Call me if you want. I'm home alone. Night.

S: Okay...

— Monday / 2:06 am

I retype the message over and over. Not exactly sure how to word it.

S: Can we talk?
No. Too straight forward.

S: Can we talk about what happened?
No. Too aggressive.

S: Do you really feel that way?
No. Seems too mean.

S: Hi...
I guess that works.

My heart drops as I see the three dots appear.

B: No sleep?

S: Pretty much.

B: Me too. Is your arm okay?

S: It still hurts but it's okay.

B: You know we have a test tomorrow.

S: WE DO???

B: Nope. :)

S: I can't stand you

B: But I'm your favorite

S: You got me there.

B: I saw your dad earlier. Well. I saw the whole thing.

S: What whole thing?

B: How he grabbed onto you...

S: That never happened dummy

B: Stan...

S: Fine.

B: Open your window.

S: What?

B: Open.
B: The.
B: Window.
B: Please.

I climb out of bed, pulling him into the house quickly.

"What are you doing here?" "I didn't wanna be alone." He shrugs.

"Where's Mike?" "On a trip with his family... I can sleep on the floor..." "Okay," I whisper.

He pulls his hoodie off, throwing it to the floor. I glare at him. "Fine fine. I'm picking it up." He chuckles throwing it back at me. It hits me in the face.

"Dummy." I giggle throwing it back to him. For some reason, I just now notice he's shirtless.

I count the hickeys again.

Eight. Not as many as last time.

"Night." He whispers as I lay on the bed. He flips the switch off, his breathing slow and quiet. His feet hit the floor softly.

He takes one last deep breath before snuggling into the covers he has, I do the same. My arm hangs off the side of the bed, I feel his fingers draw light shapes on my palm.

Finally, he holds onto it, his warm hands wrapped around my cold one. My hands are always cold.

After a bit he lets go, the silence of the room annoying me.

"Bill?" "Yeah?" "Just checking if you were awake." "Oh...Okay. Goodnight." I hesitate, the silence of the room almost suffocating me.

"Bill?" "Hmm?" "Could you-" "Yes." I hear him shuffle. The bed creaks as he climbs over me. I turn over towards him, we make eye contact in the small amount of light we have in the room.

Slowly we both inch closer to each other. He takes both of my small hands into his warm ones.

"Y-Your hands are cold." "They always are," I whisper back finally snuggling back into his chest.

His hand pulls my shirt up gently, the flat of his palm touches the flat of my back.

His fingers trace small gentle shapes for a couple of seconds before stopping.

I wake up. I'm still in his arms. I look up slowly, his eyes flutter open too. He smiles gently before pulling me closer again.

"Do you really feel that way?" He stops breathing.

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