092 / No Stan, I'm not

247 12 4

"You're not mad are you?" I whisper already upset somehow. "No Stan...I'm not."


I notice how red his face looks as he looks out of the window, admiring the stars again.

"We should invite Richie and Eddie next time." "Beverly and Ben too. I think Mike is talking to someone now. She's very pretty." "Are you choosing her over me?"

He turns his head towards me quickly. "Never." He grins as I lay my head back onto his shoulder again.

"You're the only guy I actually like to hang out with. Besides the other losers." My heart skips a beat. "Oooh. Crushing over me huh? That isn't aloud y' know."

"Why not?" "D'you not remember the rules I told you?" "Oh yeah...I don't have a crush on you dummy." He giggles. My smile disappears. Weird.

"Welp we're here." I grin weakly as he pulls me out of the car.

"Just two." Stan smiles as the lady takes us to our table. He sits across from me. "Hey...you alright?" "I'm fine. Just tired." I rest my head on my arms.

"I need to help you get a sleeping schedule." He giggles patting my head. "We literally have two weeks of school left. There's....there's no need." I yawn.

"Are you sure?" He lays his head at my level, grinning slightly. His lips look smooth and soft. His light freckles scattered around his more noticeable ones. His brown eyes behind his eyelashes.

"I'm sure." I blink softly as the waitress brings us our drinks. "You ordered alcohol?" He nods taking a sip of it. "Had to try it one of these days." He shrugs drinking a bit more of it.

"You haven't drunk it before?" "I have...when I was like fourteen. Almost got an alcohol problem." He giggles offering me some. "I'm fine." I grin as his pupils begin to dilate slowly.

"Are you already drunk?" "Maybe." He giggles. "Give me that we still have to eat." "You meanie give me that back." "For a kiss?" I push him back gently.

"Nope Nope Nope." He shakes his head, crossing his arms. Like a child.

"You're even worse than Richie is." "You aren't getting any kisses now." "I'm joking I'm joking." He grins kissing my cheek gently.

—a bit later

"Why aren't you eating?" "Bill...." he whines. "I want...I want another one..." he whines laying his hand on mine.

"How the fuck did you get that back?" "Not telling you..." he says in a sing-songy voice. "Hey, ma'am. Could I get another one?" "Sure." She nods smiling gently.

I pinch the bridge of my nose as his eyes light up from seeing the drink sat in front of him.

—Stan's POV

I take a long sip of the drink while staring into Bill's eyes. I know he's most likely annoyed. He just stares back.

"You're gonna get hungover." His voice flat. It startles me. "You're not mad are you?" I whisper already upset somehow. "No Stan...I'm not." He sighs resting his hand on my cheek.

A Player's First Choice // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now