038 / Don't be pissed off

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"You have a staring problem you know." He smiles gently. "Sorry." I giggle inching my face closer.


"How come you never smile?" I mumble as we sit in silence, comfortable silence.

"Is it a thing I have to do twenty-four seven?" "I mean I guess no. But you look nicer when you smile. Less intimidating." I shrug intertwining my fingers with his.

"I don't know...I guess I just have a resting bitch face." He shrugs, slouching in the driver seat.

"That's not a bad thing you know." "You go for guys who have one, don't you? You seem like you like guys who are rude towards you."

"Describing you basically," I mumble looking away. "I'm not rude. Just like things a certain away." He says squeezing my hand gently

"Well. Explain." "I'm the only one who gets to flirt with other people. I'm always top." "Jesus Bill." I giggle shaking my head.

"Continue." I chuckle, noticing him smiling. "I get to flirt more. No falling in love." I listen to him speak, listening to every word, and how he pronounces them.

"You make me jealous...I'll come back ten times more. No hanging out with other guys I don't know. Basically don't fuck with other guys." He chuckles looking me up and down slightly as we sit at a stoplight.

"You have a staring problem you know." He smiles gently. "Sorry." I giggle inching my face closer.

"What are you gonna do? Kiss me?" He smirks. "Maybe." He furrows his brows, realizing what I'm doing.

"You know what you're doing right? Also, I'm not gonna kiss you, you know." He presses his foot on the gas slightly.

"Why not?" "Does there have to be a reason?" He stares at the road. "Yes-" "Don't argue Stan." He says gently, squeezing my hand ever so slightly.

"Fine." I roll my eyes letting go of his hand. "Don't be pissed off." He grabs it back. "What if I wanna be?"

"Then I'll leave you until you fix your attitude." He shrugs stopping at a gas station. "Want anything?" "Water." I shrug as he nods.

"Asshole." I sniffle slightly. The wind and the coldness of the night making my nose run ever so slightly.

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