097 / A box

263 8 3

I stare at it, not exactly sure what he would want to give to me in a box.


—Stan's POV / Sunday 9:04 am

Richie chuckles softly throughout the hallway, watching Eddie walks by with a towel around his waist. My arm begins to hurt, my head faintly pounds.

Sitting up makes it a tiny bit worse. "Morning Stan." Richie smiles laying on the end of the bed, propping himself up on his right arm.

"Morning." Almost no sound comes out. "Morning Rich." Once again it's like you can't even hear my voice.

"Maybe Eddie can figure out what to do." "What?" "Morning Eddie." "Ice cream maybe?" My eyes light up slightly.

"Everyone is gonna be somewhere today. We'll go get you some ice cream later." I nod as Eddie pulls a shirt over his head. Richie just lays there admiring the boy.

"C'mon Rich." "Coming." Richie hops up quickly, grabbing the boy's hand. "That's what he said." I rasp out, Richie grins before closing my door.

I get a call


B: Are you awake? I couldn't sleep last night.

S: I'm awake.

B: Are you okay?

S: Yes.

B: Could I have more detailed sentences?

S: No

B: How come?

S: Because

B: That's not a very good reason if you ask me.

S: Well

B: Do you....do you wanna go eat somewhere.

S: No

B: Why are you so quiet?

S: My voice is gone

B: Oh...

S: Bye

B: Wait no...please can we go get breakfast?

S: No.

B: Please?? I wanna see your face again.

S: Bye

I hang up making my way into the living room with a small blanket. I turn the tv on trying to find at least one good show to watch.

Usually, it's kid shows and reruns. New movies sometimes.

— ten minutes later

I get a knock on the door, wrapping the blanket around my shoulders I go and answer it.

"Mr.....Uris?" I nod. "Here you go." He smiles. "I didn't order this..." "One of your friends did...they already paid." I nod before taking it and closing the door.

In the bag is a styrofoam box with a note on the top.

"Hi Bunny :)"

Written on the top. I sigh before opening it. Of course. Somehow he knows my favorite breakfast. That's good, right? Or is it bad? I'm not sure.

I feel my cheeks begin to light up a pink shade. "No..." I whisper.

—after eating

Another knock startles me awake. I was half-asleep. "I swear Bill- Bill?" I open the door slowly. He stands there with a couple of things.

"No." I go to close the door. To be completely honest. I don't really remember what happened last night. Richie texted it to me a bit ago.

He knocks again, softly.

Hesitantly, I open it. He holds a box of stuff and a smaller styrofoam box.

"I uh...I got you a piece of cake...you told me you wanted some the other night." He smiles weakly. I point at the box before grabbing the smaller one.

"Just open it...bye." He whispers before walking away.

I stare at it, not exactly sure what he would want to give to me in a box.

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