012 / See you later, Love

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"Had to get some clothes you know. Come on Eds. See you later...love."


—Wednesday 6:20 am

"Eddie? Come on you'll be late if you don't get up now." I open the door slowly.

There lays a shirtless Richie cuddling Eddie. The two sleep face to face.

"Eddie. Come on." "Hmm?" "We gotta get up." Richie's morning voice is pretty attractive not gonna lie.

With Eddie being more than 90% still asleep he shakes his head, snuggling closer to Richie.

"Come on Eds." He whispers. "Fine. Wait...Richie?" His face turns a bright red noticing the boy is half-naked.

(Remember. He went to sleep without a shirt on.)

"Yeah...I'll be back." He gets up, walking past me. I hear the door click.

—Wednesday 7:15 am

Beverly, Ben, Eddie, and I walk into the school. Like almost every day the halls are filled with morning whispers and laughs.

But today. It's a weird type of silence. I can feel eyes burning the back of my head.

"Why are people starring?" I mumble to Eddie. "I don't know. Look at what you're wearing." He laughs quietly.

I look down. Nothing unusual.

Wait. Never mind.

Bill's hoodie?

—This morning

"Come on slowpoke." Ben chuckles knocking on my door. I grab everything I need. Including the hoodie. I slide it over my head without a thought.


"I literally forgot this was his." I shrug. "Hiya Eds." Richie hugs the boy from behind. Slightly picking him up. "Richie." He squeals, giggling slightly.

"Where did you go this morning?" Eddies face turns a slight pink as I question the taller one. "Had to get some clothes you know. Come on Eds. See you later...love." He smirks before walking away.

His arm around Eddie's shoulders. My face turns a light pink shade.

—Wednesday 9:08 am

"Stan? What's wrong?" Mike taps my shoulder. "Nothing...why?" "We're supposed to be working on a project and you got silent." He chuckles.

"Oh sorry. Just been thinking." "About?" He smiles gently. He's someone you can trust.

"I found this piece of paper in Bill's hoodie pocket...kind of curious about what it is." I search around in the pocket. My fingers finding something flat.

"Oh...ask him. Not sure if I can tell you or not." "Does Richie know?" "Yeah...he's bad at keeping secrets. But he knows he'll get his ass beat if he tells." I nod.

—Wednesday / Lunch

"I'll get my ass beat." Richie shrugs. His arm around Eddies small waist. Eddie stays silent.

"About what?" Bill stands face to face to Richie. "Nothing...he was asking me a question," Richie mumbles gripping Eddie's side a little tightly.

Bill is an inch shorter than Richie is. But for some reason, it looks like Bill is towering over him.

"Now. What was the question," he turns to me. Putting his hand on the wall next to my head. "Baby boy." He smirks messing with the sleeve of the hoodie.

"I uh...I found this piece of paper in the hoodie pocket...just curious about what it was about." He snatches it from my hand, dragging me out of the cafeteria.

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