031 / Personal

362 10 22

"Go ahead listen to him. It's not like you haven't fucked the small one already."


—After school

"Shut up Richie. I'm not gonna kiss you. Weirdo." "You make no sense Eds. You'll kiss Bill, but not me? I'm a way better kisser than he is." Richie furrows his brows.

"Watch out trash mouth." Bill chuckles, our fingers interlocked.

"Well... because he is a good kisser." His voice becomes hushed. "Well, thanks." Bill snickers. "Well, I can be better. Let me show you." Richie pouts, letting go of Eddie's hand to cross his arms.

"Don't be a baby about it Rich." Eddie grins. "I am gonna be a baby about it. You're no fair." Richie chuckles grabbing Eddie's hand again.

"I am fair. I simply don't wanna kiss you." "You suck." Richie lets go of his hand once again, putting it in his pocket. "Hey," Eddie whines trying to pull his hand back. "Nope, darling." He smirks as Eddie's face turns a bright red.

"Aw. Look, they're back together. Isn't that nice." Someone hisses at us. "What the fuck did you just say?" "You heard me B-B-Billy." Patrick smiles viciously. Victor's small hand connected to his.

"Don't fucking call me that. Asshole." He lets go of my hand. "Hey... let's not do this." Bill glares at me before grabbing my hand again. "Thank you," I whisper.

"Whatever." He mumbles.

"Go ahead listen to him. It's not like you haven't fucked the small one already." Richie stares at Eddie. "No...we haven't," Eddie whispers trying to catch up with Richie who walked away angrily.

"Come on B-B-Billy. Why don't you tell you're little one time fling where that nickname came from."

I give Bill a confused look, squeezing his hand gently.

"No."  "Come on man, don't be a pussy." He smirks.

Yes, Bill is shorter than Patrick. That doesn't stop him from grabbing him by his collar.

"Listen. You're gonna leave all of them alone. Got it?" Patrick stays silent, staring at me harshly.

"Stop eye-fucking him! Answer me!" Him yelling like that honestly startles Patrick and I. "Fine man. Fuck off." Bill let's just go before latching back onto my hand.

"That's my fucking job." He mumbles to himself.

I break the silence before we get to the house. "What did he mean by the nickname?" He stares at me for a second "Nothing."

"It's personal isn't it?" He furrows his brows gently, looking at me from the corner of his eye. "Bill...you can talk to me. You know that-"

"Yes, it's fucking personal. I don't wanna talk about it okay?" He mumbles before walking into the house.

"Richie there's no reason to be mad." "Yes, there is Eddie. How do I know he hasn't fucked you already?" "He's hasn't Richie." The two argue loudly in Eddie's room.

"Why would it even matter Richie?!" "Because. It just does." Richie lowers his voice.

"There has to be a reason for why you're acting like that." "Because I'm in love with you...and and Stanley, okay??!" Richie storms out of the room, passing Bill and me.

"Richie don't leave." Bill grabs his shoulder. "Fuck off Bill. Why don't to go fuck Stanley too? You probably have, knowing my luck." He shuts the door quickly.

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