016 / Jerk

531 17 10

"Jerk." "You know you love me."


"Don't get some nervous bunny. It's just a phone." He smirks knowing my face is most likely a very bright red. The moon and one very dim lamp post reflecting off my face.

"Yeah but it's my phone. Give it back asshole." "For a kiss maybe?" "A what?" I freeze up as he chuckles loudly. His smile and laugh like honey as he takes a step backward.

"Don't worry. I know you speak well about me." He cups my chin before walking away.

I groan loudly following after him. "Dude just leave him alone." Bill shakes his head at Richie. "I'm just messing with him. Damn." He stands up in front of Bill.

"I don't think you want your ass beat in front of your little loves here." Bill glances at Eddie then me. His face a bright red before walking away.

"You okay?" Bill sits beside Eddie. Well. Eddie lays on the bench semi-curled up. Bill's hand rests on his side as the smaller one rests his head on Bill's knee.

I turn around. Richie walking off.

"Hey...Richie." I speed walk to him as he stops in his tracks. His hands in his hoodie pockets as his back faces me. "Are you okay?" He shrugs avoiding eye contact. "You can talk to me you know that right?" He looks at me from behind his glasses.

The moonlight reflects a stream of slow tears going down one eye. "Richie." My face softens. "It's been a long day and Bill's an asshole. It's the usual you know?" He chuckles wiping his nose with his sleeve. The tip of his nose a pinkish color because of how cold it is.

I wrap my arms around him quickly. "I wish he wouldn't act that way," I mumble as he pulls away gently. "Rich-" he kisses me gently.

"Richie?" "Mhmm?" He rests his forehead on mine. "Why'd you do that?" I giggle gently. "Felt like the right time?" He chuckles kissing me again. "If Bill sees you-" "I don't care what Bill thinks." I rest my head on his shoulder.

"We aren't together...you know that right?" I sigh. "Yeah...I know." His arms wrap around my torso gently. "It's getting late...I think we should go." He whispers resting his forehead against mine.

"How do you see out of those? You're really blind." I giggle. "Here." He chuckles handing them to me.

"Richie!" I gasp looking around. "This is bad." I chuckle. In the corner, on my eye, I can see his pink face. He scratches the back of his neck.

"I wish I could see what you look like." He smiles gently as I put his glasses back on the bridge of his nose. "I bet you look cute." He chuckles hugging me tightly.

"You're gonna break me in half." I groan. "Don't wanna do that do I love?" We both chuckle as Eddie and Bill stand watching us.

"They're upset aren't they?" "Yup." He nods. "Bill's upset you mean." "Yeah." I sigh as we walk back to them.

"I'm gonna go home. I'll see you guys later." Richie smiles ruffling my hair before walking away.

"Jerk." "You know you love me." He chuckles in the distance. "Yeah...it's late. We should go." I smile at Eddie. He nods gently following me.

"What was that?" He mumbles as I say bye to Bill. "Bye Bill...see you tomorrow." He stands in place, his arms crossed tightly. A non-happy expression looking back at me.

"I don't know..." "You know he'll beat Richie's ass right?" He yawns."No, he won't. He wouldn't." Eddie furrows his brows. "Are you sure? He literally glared at you the whole time. Looks like he wanted to kill Richie."

I look back at Eddie. "It'll be fine. Stop worrying." I chuckle as he shrugs.

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