044 / I wanna talk to you again

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"Come on man. You're staring out into space." Mike chuckles dragging me away.

"I r-regret coming here," I mumble sitting down.

—10:20 am

"Bill has been quiet. That's what I've been trying to tell you." A girl giggles. I bump into someone. "Oh shit. Sorry." Their giggle startling me.

"Bill?" Stanley wraps his arms around me quickly. "Fuck, I'm sorry." "Fuck off," I mutter pushing him away.

"Bill please." His hand interlocks with mine. My heart drops. "Can we just talk?" "About?" "I don't know. That I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. You know that right?"

"Hmm." "Don't Hmm me. You always walk away when you say hmm. Please?" I shrug, once again attempting to walk away.

"Stop being so stubborn and talk to me." He furrows his brows as no one stands in the hallway except us.

"Maybe I don't wanna." "Why not?" "Does there have to be a reason?" He stares back at me.

"Yes. Of course, there has to be." He holds my hoodie in his arm.

"I just d-don't wanna talk t-t-to you okay?" He stares back at me. I notice it too.

"Did- Did you just stutter?" My breathing increases as I stand there. My heart begins to beat faster.

"Y-Yeah. Don't f-fucking say anything about it o-okay?" Dropping my stuff I walk out of the school, hopping into my car, and leaving.

My phone starts to ring.


S: Why won't you fucking talk to me?
He whimpers.

S: I realize what I did wrong okay? I just wanna talk to you again. Hang out again. Let people recognize me as one of your choices again.
I hear him sniffle as I stay silent.

S: Don't get confused. I don't have a fucking crush on you. Got it? I just wanna fucking talk to you again. Shit Bill.

He hangs up.

A Player's First Choice // Stenbrough Where stories live. Discover now