025 /  Patience like a Toddler

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"Richie you got real silent just now." "Shut up I'm reading."


He stands outside of the bathroom as I change. "Fucking bitch." I mumble pulling the t-shirt over my head. Throwing my shirt into my locker I sigh. Apparently, today won't be a good day.

"Thanks again." He nods throwing an arm around my shoulders. "Your name is?" "Stanley...Stanley Uris." He nods as we walk into the lunchroom.

I sit back down. "You okay?" Beverly puts her hand over mine. "Yeah...I guess."

Small cries can be heard in the distance. "What's happening? Ben looks to my right. There goes the boy crying as he speed walks out of the cafeteria. He doesn't wear a hoodie.

Looking back Bill rests his back against the wall. His arms crossed as he watched the boy leave the cafeteria.

"Hey, Stan. Since we're done with lunch do you wanna go to the library with me?" Ben smiles sweetly. "Oh yeah. Of course. I have some books I have to return." He nods as we stand up, passing by Bill's table.

He watches me as I walk past him.


"Here's my two books." I smile at the librarian. "You've read them both?" He tilts his head slightly like he doesn't believe me.

"Yeah. I enjoy reading about birds. Growing up I would go bird watching." "Seems cool." He chuckles.

"Stan come here." Ben motions me over. "I found it." "Found what?"

He hands me a bird book. My eyes light up as I read the title. "I've been looking for this everywhere. Thank you." I hug him tightly before looking for another one.

"Who the fuck reads books?" "Me. Anyone with a hollow skull doesn't."

(Personally, I don't read books either. Unless they're a genre I enjoy.)

The person sits criss-cross beside me as I squat looking through titles. "I'm sorry about last night." I sit down gently as he puts a hand on my knee. "It's whatever Rich." I pat his hand.

I feel his eye looking at me. "What?" I giggle as he leans in. "Fuck...I'm sorry." He chuckles. "Don't be." I lean in once again. Our lips move in sync.

"You like kissing me don't you love?" I stay silent, looking for another book.

"Bennifer, you do this all day? It's not fun." "Well, sure it is. Just gotta do it for a while. Or actually enjoy books." He chuckles. "See I have the patience of a toddler and books are dumb."

"You have to find the right genre Rich." Ben pulls out a book from science fiction. "Here. Read." "Ben you know I don't know how to do that."

He leans his back against a bookcase, pulling me in between his legs where my back rest against his stomach.

—A couple of minutes later

"Richie you got real silent just now." "Shut up I'm reading." I laugh hard, putting my hand over my mouth to at least make it quieter.

"Didn't know you could read trash mouth." Someone chuckles sitting beside him. "Shut up Billiam. I'm at a good part."

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