What could go wrong?

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After some careful planning, I hid in an alleyway and waited. It seemed to take forever until Elizabeth finally walked past. Grabbing her wrist, I pulled her into the alleyway,
"Hello." I grinned. Her shocked and disgusted face transformed into one of relief and happiness.
"(Y/N)! Where have you been?" She demanded, tugging her hand back. I stuck out my bottom lip as I pretended to ponder for a moment,
"Well, is there another place to go?" I asked innocently. She thwacked my arm, then sniffed,
"Ew, you haven't washed in days have you?"
"I've only got saltwater to wash with." I reminded her. She rolled her eyes, then looked down at my torn and grubby clothes.
"You're wearing pants?" I gave her my 'duh' look. Of all things she notices, it's the pants. They were newly stolen, since my dress fell apart, and I was quite proud of it. Then her prying eyes caught hold of something around my neck,
"No way, you got it back!" I grinned as I held up my necklace,
"Street rat darling." I had sold this necklace and stolen it back more times than I could count. This last time was... A bit more complicated. I smiled fondly as I polished it with my sleeve. It was a whale's tail made with abalone shell, lined with silver, that hung by a black string around my neck. It was close to my heart, a connection with a family I never knew.
"Where are you going?" I asked, changing the subject. She sighed,
"To James' promotion. Father wants me present." I smiled encouragingly,
"I'll accompany you. Don't worry, I'll keep out of sight." I reassured her as she looked alarmed. She relaxed and smiled.
"I would offer you my arm, but you're wearing yellow." I grinned. It was true, her victorian white dress must have cost a fortune and seemed of a superior, fancy make.
"And a corset." She groaned. I frowned,
"What's a corset?" She opened her mouth to explain, then saw the impish expression on my face.
"You always fall for that!" I giggled as she mocked offense. Calming myself, I gestured for her to meet with her father and she playfully glared before doing so. With my knowledge of the streets, I took a different route and got there before her. Leaning against a pillar across from where she strolled, I gave an exaggerated yawn. She spotted me and stifled a laugh, then grabbed her fan and flapped it at her face. I frowned. That corset must be tight. She wasn't paying much attention to my usual tricks and goofiness.
James- the new commodore, great- began to talk to Elizabeth, and they walked away. I followed, concerned for the girl. They stopped near the edge of the fortress. By the time I got there, they seemed to be in the middle of a conversation. Elizabeth seemed just able to stand.
"-The thing all men most require: a marriage to a fine woman." He paused, "You have become a fine woman, Elizabeth."
My eyes widened. James was proposing to Elizabeth! I knew she fancied Will Turner, a friend of mine. Well, more like the only person who will practice sword fighting with me. She also looked at James with admiration, not love. And right now she looked...
"I can't breath." Elizabeth gasped. She stumbled for a moment, then disappeared over the edge to the sea below.
"Elizabeth!" James cried. He began taking off his overcoat. I didn't hesitate, courtesy of being me, and ran out of my hiding spot.
Ignoring James' cry of surprise, I leaped.

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