Cannonballs are bad luck

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My eyes snapped open.
I shot up.
"I know those guns," Jack said, hurrying to the barred window. I heard the sound of return fire.
"It's the Pearl!" He cried.
"The Black Pearl?" A prisoner spoke up, "I've heard stories- she's been preying on ships for near ten years... Never leaves any survivors." 
"Then where are the stories from?" I muttered. The sounds of cannon fire- now joined by the screams and cries of panic- continued for a long while. I eventually relaxed and carefully leaned against the cell door.
I let out a yelp as the wall caved into itself from a cannonball. Moonlight peeked through the gaping hole. I was about to get up and run for it when it hit me. It was in the other cell. As other prisoners scurried through, one called over his shoulder,
"Sympathies, friends- you've no manner of luck at all!"
Jack watched them for a moment; then scrambled to the cell door, offering a bone to the dog.
"Here doggy, come here doggy." Of course, it didn't work. On a crazy hunch, I shuffled over and laid my head on my hands, giving the most piteous whine I could manage. Jack looked startled as the dog came closer.
"That's it, come on. Come closer. Oh, come here you filthy, stupid, mangy cur!" He hissed. The dog froze, backing away from the door and whining.
"No no no, I didn't mean it. Don't do that, I didn't..." The dog took off down the hall. I glared at Jack and cuffed him on the head. He opened his mouth, no doubt to protest, when the body of the sentry tumbled down the steps. Can't say I felt sorry for him. Two pirates stepped through and I heard a sharp intaken breath of recognition from Jack.
"This ain't the armoury." One stated. He turned to go, but the other dark-skinned one spotted Jack.
"Well, well, well- look who we have here Twigg, Captain Jack Sparrow." He spat on the ground and my nose curled in disgust.
"Last time I saw you, you were all alone on a forsaken island, shrinking into the distance." Twigg turned to his companion, "His fortunes haven't changed much." The dark-skinned pirate looked down at me. Despite my confusion, I immediately put my hands on the bars and made doe eyes at him, mouth parted slightly. He knelt to my level,
"And who's this lass?" He asked, putting his hand through the bars. As soon as it hit the moonlight though, it turned skeletal. I paused for a moment in bewilderment, studying it with interest. The man stopped, feigning concern, then resumed stretching out his hand. Despite my rising disgust, I kept my act on. His rough skeleton brushed my cheek and I fluttered my eyes closed in response.
"Well, who's a wee little lass?" He cooed. I pretended not to notice his hand slipping down to my necklace. He pulled at the string for a moment, then glanced down.
With a gasp, he leaped to his feet. Twigg looked at him strangely while Jack guffawed in laughter.
"Afraid of a wee little lass?" He imitated. Both pirates said nothing and practically ran for the door. As soon as they were gone, I retched.

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