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Elizabeth and Jack's eyes widened as they looked at me. My mouth gaped. How did he know?! The commodore's face screamed pompous triumph as he began to inspect Jack's things. He pulled out a revolver from the sorry pile,
"No additional shot or powder." He threw it to his feet, then picked up the compass, "A compass that doesn't point north." He tossed it in my direction and I caught it. Jack averted his eyes, embarrassed. With everyone's eyes on Sparrow, I pocketed the wayfinder. James then proceeded to partly unsheathe the pirate's sword,
"I half expected it to be wood." He mocked, re-sheathing it. "You are, without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."
"Ah, but you have heard of me." Jack grinned. I tilted my head as I observed how he waved his body around in an almost comical manner. It was like he was a piece of seaweed in moving water.
I looked over at the sound of Gillette returning with the shackles and a bunch of chains slung over his shoulder. James smiled as the guards clamped the shackles on Jack. He was handed the chains from Gillette and he proudly held them in Jack's face. I frowned as I noticed the five places to go around limbs. Since when did people get five hands?
"I originally planned for you to have these- seeing as they did need to be tested before facing some real criminals- but you're fortunately saved the pain. Do you know what this is?" James asked Jack (heh, James asked Jack). He shook his head.
"These are meant to keep murderers like her," he strode to me, "in check." He slammed one onto my neck, making me choke. Before I knew it; they snapped them around my ankles and wrists. I tugged at the one wrapping my neck, barely able to breathe. Elizabeth looked shocked,
"What did she do for those?!" James looked at her,
"Well, if you don't recall, I did say that she'd murdered."
"Who?!" She cried.
"Care to tell her?" James inquired my preoccupied person. I was too busy trying to shift the restraint to provide air with passage to my lungs. James huffed,
"Thought so. Lay down your arms." He gestured to me, "And get her out of my sight." He spat. My neck, wrists, and ankles all snapped painfully forwards as they yanked my chain. With one last desperate glance at Elizabeth, I had no alternative but to follow the red coats to my imprisonment.

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