Walk the plank

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Elizabeth stood on the plank, staring down at the water. Will was bound and furious,
"Barbossa, you lying bastard! You swore she'd go free!"
"Don't dare impugn me honor, boy! I said she'd go free, it was you who failed to specify when and where." Barbossa switched faster than a storm to a clear sky as he turned to Elizabeth, "Though it seems such a shame to lose something so fine, don't it lads?" Elizabeth looked back with slight reprieve,
"So I'll be having that dress back before you go." She hesitated, then stripped down to her silk slip and tossed it towards him.
"Goes with your black heart." She hissed. Barbossa caught it and grinned,
"Oh, it's still warm." He tossed it to a crew member and turned back to watch. Elizabeth moved stoically to the end of the plank, then turned to Will and started to say something to him.
"Too long!" The Bosun growled and slammed his foot on the edge of the plank. Elizabeth shrieked as she plummeted into the open water. The crew laughed and I was surprised to see Jack chuckling with them. Then they pushed me forward and he fell silent. I turned to Barbossa,
"A gentleman would give a lady a pistol as a farewell present." I barely refrained from hissing at him. He snickered with his yellow teeth and handed me one,
"Just to get ya outta my sight." With that, he pushed me towards the edge. I gave him a final glare before diving into the water and striking for the island in the distance.
I crawled onto the sand, gasping for air. The wounds on my back stung for all they were worth. My shirt, torn straight down my back, was held sparingly by my shoulders and arms. My overcoat held most of my dignity now. I felt sick and dizzy. In the distance, I noticed Jack walk off with Elizabeth following behind. Taking off my boots, I tried to follow them but the horizon tilted, and I fell. After some effort, I sat up again to see Jack standing over me with a bottle in each hand. I squinted up at him, trying not to hurl.
"You look an awful sight Luv, are you alright?" He asked, handing me one. I took it from him and pretended to study it,
"Yeah, I'm fine." Definitely not fine. Jack plopped down next to me. Elizabeth came over and sat on my other side. She uncorked her bottle,
"Drink up me hearties, yo ho." She muttered, taking a swig. That piqued Jack's interest,
"What's that?" She sighed,
"A song I learned as a child when I thought it would actually be exciting to meet a pirate."
"Let's hear it."
"Come on, we've got the time! Let's hear it." Jack urged.
"No." Elizabeth said firmly, "Besides, (Y/N)'s the one to go to for songs."
Huh, throw me under the bus. I pretended to chug the rum; truth be told I'd never touch the stuff, but the taste of it on my lips gave me something to focus on. Jack was looking expectantly at me and gave me a nudge,
"Go on then, don't be shy." I groaned and shifted to get comfortable. Clearing my throat, I began in a rolling tone,
"We send the anchors rolling down
Because this night we spend ashore
We leave the ship and go to town
This night we spend ashore!
We drink and dance and we drink one more
Because this night we spend ashore
We laugh and brawl 'til we hit the floor!
This night we spend ashore!" I sang.
"Oh! Do the Viking one! The one you learned from the trader!" Elizabeth interrupted, eyes sparkling with fond memories. I grinned despite myself, adapting my voice to a light and airy tone,
"I'll swim and sail on savage seas
With never a fear of drowning
And gladly ride the waves of life
If you will marry me
No scorching sun not freezing cold
Will stop me on my journey
If you will promise me your heart
And love me for eternity." I began to speed up the pace,
"My dearest one, my darling dear
Your mighty words astound me
But I've no need for mighty deeds
When I feel your arms around me!" Elizabeth whooped and jumped to her feet, pulling me up with her. My heart suddenly felt much lighter and the dizziness partially vanished thanks to the joy of singing. We laughed and danced, arm in arm,
"But I would bring you rings of gold
I'd even sing you poetry
And I would keep you from all harm
If you would stay beside me!" Jack, feeling left out, joined in. My smile broadened and I sang even merrier,
"I have no use for rings of gold
I care not for your poetry
I only want your hand to hold
I only want you near me

To love and kiss and sweetly hold
For the dancing and the dreaming
Through all lives sorrows
And delights
I'll keep your laugh inside me
I'll swim and sail on savage seas
With never a fear of drowning
I'd gladly ride the waves so white
If you will marry me!"

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