Don't try me

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"Feast yer eyes, Cap'n. All of them faithful hands to the mast. All of them worth his salt- and crazy to boot." Gibbs exaggerated. The three of us looked over the ragged line-up.
"This is your able-bodied crew?" Will muttered, unimpressed. Jack stopped in front of one with a parrot on his shoulder,
"You, sailor!"
"Cotton, sir." Helped Gibbs.
"Mr. Cotton! Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?" Jack waited for a reply. Receiving none, he barked, "Mr. Cotton! Answer me!"
"He's mute sir. Poor devil had his tongue cut out." Gibbs explained. Cotton showed his stump to prove it and Jack rolled his own in discomfort.
"So he trained the parrot to talk for him. No one's yet figured how." Finished Gibbs. Jack went to walk further down the line, then paused,
"Mr. Cotton's... Parrot. Same question." The bird squawked,
"Wind in the sails, wind in the sails!"
"We usually take that as a 'yes'." Said Gibbs.
"Of course it does." Jack turned to Will, "Savvy?"
"And what's in it for us?" A woman's voice called. Jack, seeming to recognize the voice, hid behind me as we walked towards her. Awkwardly reaching around me, the captain removed the woman's hat,
"Anamaria." Jack greeted as black hair pooled over her shoulders. She glared at him, anger written over her chocolaty-skinned face.
"You stole my boat!" She snarled with venom laced hatred.
"Actually-" Jack froze as I gave him a look, hurriedly correcting himself, "Borrowed, borrowed without permission; but with every intention to give it back!" Anamaria fumed,
"Please move so I can hit him-"
"Oh no, please don't!" Jack quipped.
"Or at least hit him for me." She finished. I stayed still for a moment, then whipped around and gave Jack a good smack. The crew gasped as Jack fell from the force.
"Why'd you do that?!" He roared.
"On a request... and cause I wanted to," I replied, crossing my arms.
"I want her as captain." Declared Anamaria. I formed an 'oh' with my mouth and placed my hands on my hips, smirking at Jack. He glared.
"You'll get another boat, a better one." Will tried to calm the storm.
"A better one!" Jack agreed, getting up and moving away from me.
"That one," Will said, pointing to the Interceptor.
"What one?" Jack asked. I gestured with my head to the Interceptor, catching on to Will's idea. Giving Anamaria the boat would mean that Port Royal would go after her, meaning we could escape unnoticed.
"That one?!" Jack exclaimed incredulously. Then he considered it,
"Aye, that one. What say you?"
"Aye!" Cried Anamaria.
"Aye!" Shouted the rest of the crew in response. They all moved to board the boat, Anamaria snatching her hat back as she did so.
"No, no, no, no. It's frightful bad luck to have a woman aboard, sir." Gibbs said nervously. I glowered at him,
"Say that again, I dare you to," I growled. His face paled. I huffed, becoming more and more fed up with the bearded man as I strode past.

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