Conspiring for freedom

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I followed him, reaching him when he was about halfway to the dune.
"It must have been terrible for you to be trapped here, Jack. Must have been terrible for you." He imitated in his fury. He looked back and yelled, "Well it bloody is now!" He stopped when he saw me, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"What? Did she convince you to do her bidding? Have you come to plea your innocence? What do you want?" He growled. I rolled my eyes and strode beside him,
"There'll be sails on the horizon in two hours max. Elizabeth will be safe then." Jack fell into step beside me.
"But?" He asked, calming at my tone. I stopped and turned to face him,
"But we won't be. There's a price on our heads, Jack. And as dear as Elizabeth is to me, I cannot deny my love of the sea any longer."
"What are you proposing, (Y/N)?" Jack questioned, interested.
"I'm proposing that once Elizabeth is safe, we head straight back to the Pearl. I doubt Elizabeth will be able to convince her father to go after Will." Jack nodded,
"And if she does somehow manage to?"
"You provide the information necessary to at least save our necks. We then escape and I'll become a crew member in return." I finished. Jack hummed, contemplating things,
"You will work in me crew once I have the Pearl back?" I nodded, his face broke into a grin,
"Hmmm. (Y/N) as me crew member." He gestured with his hands, "Captain Jack Sparrow and his first mate, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), plundering the open ocean and striking fear into the hearts of all men. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" He smiled, stretching out his hand, "We have an accord." I beamed in delight as I clasped it. Then, as I looked over his shoulder, my smile warped into a grimace,
"There'd be no living with her after this anyway." Jack groaned as he too spotted the Dauntless in the distance.

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