Into battle

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"The door." Jack suddenly said, standing up. To my relief, I saw a huge hole where the lock once resided. Jack poked the door open, scooting through. I smiled and followed him. We hurried above and to the railing, unnoticed due to the battle raging. I grabbed a rope and, without hesitation, launched myself across to the Interceptor. Once there, I whipped around and kicked a pirate trying to land back to the Pearl. He swung back and Jack stole the rope from him so that he swung into the sea.
"Thanks very much!" He called as he grabbed the rope. He launched himself into the air, cut down a pirate standing over Gibbs, swiveled straight back, and landed squarely on the deck.
"Jack!" Gibbs cried in surprise. Jack just tossed him his flask,
"Bloody empty."
"Fight now, drink later!" I yelled, picking up a sword. Jack jerked in realization,
"(Y/N), wait! You don't even know how to-" Jack deterred himself as I expertly blocked, parried and struck, "-sword fight." I smirked, shoving my opponent overboard.
"You were saying?" I quirked cockily, twirling my sword and rushing into the fight. I slashed, cut and dodged, flinging as many pirates as I could into the sea. All the while scanning the battleground for Elizabeth. Looking to my left as I climbed the rope ladder, I spotted Jack running to help her with another pirate. He grabbed hold of the buccaneer's arm and said something to him, probably about how unkind he was. I swiftly jumped down beside them and, bringing my heel around, kicked his head clean off his shoulders. Jack bit his finger and looked at me with slightly fearful eyes. Elizabeth was giving me the same look. I ignored that fact and gripped Elizabeth's shoulders,
"Where's Will and the medallion?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she searched the deck.
"Will!" She cried, shoving past me and rushing to the mast that was now laying on its side. A brown blur scurried past, chattering away.
"Monkey!" Jack exclaimed, chasing after the dratted animal. Before I could decide who to follow, I felt the cold barrel of a pistol against my head.
"Move and you'll be meeting Davy Jones lass." I groaned.
Perfect. Just perfect.

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