Can't argue with logic mate

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Something seemed to click in Will's mind,
"So that's the reason for all the..." He imitated Jack's quirky movements.
"That ain't got nothing to do with reason mate," I said. I noticed Gibbs' lip quirk up from his seat,
"Now Will." he started his lecture, "As (Y/N) said- when a pirate's marooned he's given a single shot. One shot. Well, that won't do much good hunting, nor to be rescued. But after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst, that pistol starts looking real friendly." He demonstrated with an imaginary pistol with his hand, pointing it to his head.
"And he still has that one shot to this very day." I finished. Gibbs looked slightly annoyed with me. Feeling's mutual at this point.
"So how'd he get off the island?" Will changed the subject. I rolled my eyes as Gibbs told the exaggerated story of how Jack roped some sea turtles together, creating a raft. Will looked dubious,
"He roped a couple of sea turtles?"
"Aye, sea turtles." Will narrowed his eyes,
"What did he use for rope?"
"Aye," I said, folding my arms. Gibbs drew a breath, then realized he didn't know. His mouth opened and closed like a gaping fish before he noticed Jack's presence. Jack stood in front of us as we all looked at him questioningly,
"Human hair." He replied, "From my back." I raised my eyebrows as I heaved myself up from my position and strode over to him. He looked me in the eye as I moved his collar, exposing his smooth, tanned skin with no hint of hair whatsoever.
"See something you like luv?" He teased. I let go of his shirt and stepped back,
"I would've believed it if it'd been from your head." I said defiantly, "And if you'd had a knife."
"I did have a knife!" Jack protested.
"You said you took a cutlass over a knife for years. If you did, why not use it to cut her corset?" I retaliated, referring to when he had helped save Elizabeth. Jack looked dumbfounded. He stared at me, trying to figure out an answer. Finding none, he grumbled as he called to the crew,
"Let go the anchor!" There were cries and shouts as the crew sprung to life. "Young Mr. Turner, (Y/N) and I are to go ashore."
"Captain." Gibbs hurried to Jack's side as he turned away, "What if the worst should happen?"
"Keep to the code," Jack replied.
"Aye, the code." Gibbs nodded. Will appeared speculative, but I brushed it off and climbed into the longboat once it was ready. Before I did though, I snatched a small telescope from a crew member. Without his permission or knowledge of course. We pushed away from the Interceptor and penetrated the fog.
"You don't know a thing about pirates do you?" I quizzed Will as he rowed.
"And you seem to know everything about them." He retorted. I smirked as he went silent and scanned the fog for any sign of his beloved. I eventually did so too, but for different reasons.
"Why?" Jack suddenly asked. I furrowed my brow at him in confusion. Seeing this, he continued,
"Why did you want to join us? And did you really murder?" If the former was a sword, the latter was a bloody cannon. I peered at the two men's faces; speculating whether I could trust them. I sighed and chewed my lip,
"I play things close to the vest right now," I said, referring to Gibbs' way of words. Jack's lip curled to a gentle smile,
"Pretty understandable lass- but it will help us understand you." I still hesitated before giving in, launching into the story,
"When my mother birthed me, she gave me away- for reasons I know not. But I am sure that I was on a ship at the time, for my love of the sea is so strong it hurts. My father, from what I gather, was not a good man. I didn't even know his name. I was passed around from family to family as a baby. When I was about 7 years old I got myself into a certain... Situation that caused me an unfair amount of pain. I was forced to live like that for years before I was shipped to a port of bad locks and sloppy guards. There I made my escape. Unfortunately, I was discovered and forced to flee. I stole a boat and made my way to Port Royal. But word had travelled there already and I was imprisoned. I escaped the gallows solely due to my age and a pitiful executioner. I couldn't get off Port Royal, so I lived on the streets, befriending Elizabeth and earning her protection as a bonus. Since then, I've tried all I could to get onto the sea, and here I am. Turning pirate, and bloody glad about it." I finished, spreading my arms wide. Jack nodded in understanding. We fell into silence as we continued to row for a while.
"Over there!" Will cried, pointing to the Black Pearl. Jack and I stood up and, as one, opened our telescopes.
"Is she there?" Will asked. I scanned the ship. There were a few pirates, no captain and...
"Oh, shoot the jolly roger!" I cursed as I turned to help Will row.
"What? What's wrong?!" Will exclaimed. Jack looked at me questioningly as well.
"It's already begun." Their eyes widened and they leaped into action.

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